Unit 1.3 Science FLASHCARDS


20 Questions 20 Answers Unit 1.3
Assged Abdalla
FlashCards por Assged Abdalla, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Assged Abdalla
Criado por Assged Abdalla aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Why are measurements and observations displayed in tables? When they are displayed in tables they are more understandable and easier to read.
What can Spreadsheets be programmed to do? Spreadsheets can automatically calculate values ; averages .
Define the word discrete from discrete groupings? Discrete groupings are observations that can be sorted into definite categories and counted.
Define the word continuous? Measurements involving numbers aren't discrete but continuous. This means that if you choose two numbers you can always find other numbers in between.
What are some examples of continuous measurements? Examples of continuous measurements include age, mass, length, volume, temperature and human height.
Discrete groupings can construct different types of graphs name them. Discrete groupings can only construct pie or sector graphs.
Line graphs require two sets of measurements that show continuous variation. What are they? The two sets of measurements are the horizontal and vertical axes.
What's the difference between line graphs and lines of best fit? Line graphs connect trough different points and lines of best fit go roughly through all the points.
What do Scientists need to do during an experiment to make it useful? Scientists need to a scientific report to explain how they ran the experiment, what they measured and how they interpreted the results.
How do tables and graphs help scientists when they do their experiments? Tables and graphs help scientists display patterns in their measurements.
What types of graphs are used when you have a set of discrete observations? Bar and column graphs show discrete values .
What is shown in a pie or sector graph? A pie or sector graph shows proportions of each grouping within an total. The whole pie or sector graph represents 100%.
What are the different types of line graphs? Line of best fit and curve of best fit.
What can a graph do that table cannot? A graph can show trends more clearly than tables can.
What makes an experiment complete? An experiment will be complete when using some way or another you communicate with other scientists.
What computer program can enable you produce a digital table or a spreadsheet? A spreadsheet can enable you to produce computer programs such as Microsoft and excel e.t.c..
Apart from enabling computer programs what else can a spreadsheet do? A spreadsheet can also use scientist's measurements to construct different types of graphs.
When discrete groups are categorized are measurements possible between each of the categories? No measurements are possible between each of the categories.
Bar and column graphs have discrete values, but what is displayed from the graphs? The discrete values display the horizontal and vertical axes on the graphs.
Once you have plotted all the points on a line graph there are two ways to connect the points. What are they? They two ways are curve of best fit and line of best fit.


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