Intestinal Protozoa


Medical Microbiology (Parasitology) FlashCards sobre Intestinal Protozoa, criado por gina_evans0312 em 17-04-2014.
FlashCards por gina_evans0312, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por gina_evans0312 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Morphologically the same for... Amoeba, flagellates and cillates
Trophazoid Form Mobile, causes infection
Cyst Form Highly resistant for survival outside host
Cyst form
Trophozoid form
E.Hystolytica Life Cycle- Acquirement of Protozoa Cyst form, from water or food
E.Hystolytica Life Cycle- Digestive Tract Outer wall of cyst is digested, and trophazoid form matures
E.Hystolytica Life Cycle- Movement of Trophazoid Trophazoid moves into the Large intestine and multiply
E.Hystolytica Life Cycle- Colonisation Trophozoids may simply colonise the L.I and cause no symptoms
E.Hystolytica Life Cycle- Infection Can cause infection in the L.I, leading to dysentry like symptoms and can lead to abcesses of the liver
E.Hystolytica Life Cycle- Unfavorable Environment Trophoizoid converts back into cyst form and exits in stool
E.Hystolytica - Diagnosis Cyst and trophozoid form in stool
Bantidium Coli Life Cycle Same as that for E.hystolytica
Giardia Life Cycle- Entry Through food or water
Giardia Life Cycle- G.I Same as E.hystolytica, but prefers small intestine, attaching to wall using cup like structures
Giardia Life Cycle- Infection Causes watery diarrhea that smells of rotten eggs


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