Movement of Peoples- unit 7.2 -_-


Opal Khan
FlashCards por Opal Khan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Opal Khan
Criado por Opal Khan mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Who discovered the Americas and when? Christopher Columbus in 1492.
Who were referred to as the First Nations? Tribal groups in North and South America, and in Australia, were referred to as the First Nations of those continents.
Who explored east coast of Australia and when? James Cook explored the east coast of Australian in 1770.
What happened in 1788? A British penal settlement at Sydney Cove became parts of the emerging New World.
Where was the first English colony established? The first English colony on the east coast of North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia.
When was the first English colony established? In 1607.
What happened in 1620? A second English colony was established further north at New Plymouth.
Who were the puritans? A Christian sect who wanted to establish a new society where they could freely express their religious beliefs.
What did John Winthrop declare? John Winthrop declared that their settlement would be a 'city upon a hill,' which would set an example to the rest of the world.
When did the first free settlers arrive in Australia? The first free settlers to Australia arrived in Sydney on board the Bellona on 16 January 1793.
How many people were there? There were 5 single men and two families wealthy enough to afford the long voyage from England.
What were early free settlers given? Early free settlers were given free land grants of 30 acres.
What else was provided to help clear and cultivate their new land? Free convict labour was provided to help clear and cultivate their new land.
What did the westward spread of settlement beyond the Blue Mountains lead to? It lead to a better quality farmland becoming available.
What happened as a result? More and more free settlers from England began arriving after the 1820's.
What was the Assisted Passage Scheme? It was a scheme introduced to help new settlers with some of the costs.
What happened to the slaves captured? These slaves were transported in overcrowded hulks to the Caribbean colonies, and later to North America, where they were sold to plantation owners.
What did the slaves do on the plantations? On the plantations, slaves harvested products that were in turn exported to Europe, creating a triangular movements of peoples and goods.
By 1860, what was the population of slaves? By 1860, the population of slaves in North America alone was 2 136 763 which was 14.4 percent of the total population.
When did the ships of the First Fleet arrive in Sydney Cove? The first ships arrived in Sydney Cove on 18 January 1788.
What was blackbirding? Black birding was human trafficking of indentured labourers from the South Pacific Islands through deception or even kidnapping.
Between 1863 and 1904, approximately how many people were brought to Australia and why? About 60 000 South Pacific Islanders were brought to Australia to work on the sugarcane fields.


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