A Level: English language and literature techniques = Lexis


This is the lexis section of the FSL framework.
Jessica 'JessieB
FlashCards por Jessica 'JessieB, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jessica 'JessieB
Criado por Jessica 'JessieB mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Elaborate code > Used in formal situations. > Explicit. > Lack of context dependence. > Complex syntax. > Good use of individual expression.
Restricted code > Used in informal situations. > Linguistically predictable. >Depends of the context to convey its meaning.
Monosyllabic lexis > Has one syllable.
Polysyllabic lexis > Has more than one syllable > The more the sentence has, the more formal it is.
Jargon > Specific language to a specific group of people; people outside that group wouldn't understand it. E.g. professionals, occupational jargon ect > Also known as slang.
Word classes - Adjectives Comparative + Superlative > Modifies a noun or a pronoun by description. > Comparative adj. - Compares more or less. It either has a suffix (-er) or more/less in it. > Superlative adj. - Compares the most or the least of something. It either has the suffix (-est) or most/least in it.
Word classes - Adverbs > Modifies verbs, adjectives and other adverbs to tell you the manner, place or time of what is being modified. > Often ends with (-ly)
Word classes - Nouns > Used to name a person, place or thing. > It can also work as a subject, object or compliment.
Word classes - Nouns = Abstract nouns > Names an idea, event, quality or concept. E.g. freedom, love, courage.
Word classes - Nouns = Concrete nouns > Refers to objects and substances, including people and animals, which physically exist/ material things. E.g. Table, dog, house. > They can either be countable (plural, used with a number and can be counted - chairs, boys and friends), or they can be uncountable (singular and can';t be counted - money, bread and coffee).
Word classes - Nouns = Animate and inanimate nouns > Animate = a person, animal or material object. > Inanimate = stone, wood.
Word classes - Nouns = Collective nouns > Describes a group of things or people as a unit. E.g. family, herd, audience.
Word classes - Nouns = Common nouns > The name of a group of similar things. E.g. table, book, window.
Word classes - Nouns = Proper nouns > The name of a single person, place or thing. E.g. John, London.
Word classes - Nouns = Compound nouns > Refers to two or more nouns joined together to form a single noun. E.g. sister-in-law, fruit juice, schoolboy.
Word classes - Verbs > Expresses an action or a state of being in relation to the subject. E.g. Runs, bites. > Compound verbs are the same as the above but give a sense of time. E.g. will run, will bite.
Word classes - Modal auxiliary verbs/helping verbs > Closed class as opposed to open classed verbs; it is used to add functional or grammatical content to the information given by another verb. E.g. be (am, are, is, was, were, being), can, could, do (did, does, doing), have (had, has, having), may, might, must, shall, should, would, will.
Spoken word features - Minor sentences > Doesn't have a main verb but can still be understood.
Spoken word features - Contractions > The shortening of a word by dropping one or more letters. E.g. That's - that is.
Spoken word features - Direct address > The person who is being directly spoken to.
Spoken word features - Discourse markers > Known as 'linking' words. > Used to focus, clarify, contrast, change the subject, show agreement or disagreement. E.g. anyway, however, moreover.
Spoken word features - Elision > The omission of sounds, syllables or words in speech.
Spoken word features - Ellipsis > Takes out the unnecessary bit (...)
Spoken word features - Voiced/unvoiced pauses > Voiced - known as a hesitation marker as it gives the speaker time to think of what they want to say in spontaneous speech. E.g. 'um' or 'er' > Unvoiced - a silent pause so the speaker can think of what they want to say next.
Spoken word features - Dialect > A particular form of language that is specified to a particular region or group of people. E.g. A Geordie accent.
Spoken word features - Accent > A distinctive way of pronouncing a language.
Spoken word features - Colloquialisms > Informal expressions used in speech - also known as slang.


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