Criminal Justice Process: The Trial


Vocabulary words
John  Doe
FlashCards por John Doe, atualizado more than 1 year ago
John  Doe
Criado por John Doe mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Waive to give up some right, privilege, or benefit voluntarily
peremptory challenges part of the pretrial jury selection. Attorneys on opposing sides may dismiss a certain number of jurors without any given reason
Subpoena a cort order-requiring a witness to appear in court to testify
contempt of court any act to embarrass, hinder, or obstruct the court in the administration of justice
Immunity Freedom or protection from some action such as being sued or prosecuted
Mistrial the termination of a trial before it's normal conclusion because of procedural error, statements by witness, judge or attorney which prejudice a jury, a deadlock by a jury without reaching a verdict after lengthy deliberation or the failure to complete it within the time set by the court and you trial must be ordered in the case starts over from the beginning
petitioner/ appellant one who signs and or files a petition. The party in the shading or appealing a case to the Supreme Court.
Writ a judge's order or authorization for something to be done
Habeas Corpus a court order which directs the law enforcement officials who have custody of a prisoner to appear in court with the prisoner to help the judge determine whether the prisoner is being held lawfully


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