Medical Terminology- Chapter 12 - Female Reproductive System


Female Reproductive Systen
angeline martin
FlashCards por angeline martin, atualizado more than 1 year ago
angeline martin
Criado por angeline martin mais de 10 anos atrás

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Genitalia External Genitalia (Females Also called a Vulva) Sex or reproductive organs visible on the outside
Gestation Length of time from conception to birth (280 days or 40 weeks)
Lactation Lact/o Production and release of milk Last/o = milk
Orifice Entrance or outlet of any anatomical structure
Fetal Membranes Surround and protect the developing fetus- (Amnion or chorian)
Aminion Outermost membrane filled with serious fluid called amniotic fluid
Chorian The vascular innermost membrane which links the fetal and maternal blood vessels
Puerperum Post partum 42 days or 6 weeks following Childbirth when mothers uterus shrinks and the other function ad anatomic changes of pregnancy
Viable Capable of sustaining life
Placenta Flattened circular vascular organ that lines the uterine wall and feeds the baby in the womb- the afterbirth
Glans Small rounded mass or gland like body
Perineum Diamond shaped area between the urethra/ vagina and anus- know as the area between wind and rain
Adnexa Tissues or structures in the body adjacent or near a related structure
Puberty Period in which secondary sex characteristics beginning to develop and the capability of re-production is obtained
Corpus Luteum "yellow body" formed fro the ruptured follicle after ovulation
Contraception - Diaphram Rubber disc shaped object that covers the cervix
Hormonal contraception Use of hormones to suppress ovulation
Oral contraception Birth control pills- estrogen and progesterone
Paturition and partum Process of giving birth
Episo Vulva
Oo Egg
Nulli None
Oligo Scanty or few
Lude/o yellow
Corpus Body
Py/o Pus
Episi/o Vulva
Follicul/o Small sac or follicle- secreting substance or nurtures growth
Cervic/o Neck of uterus- cervix
Coop/o vagin/o vagina
galact/o lact/o milk
Gynec/o Woman Female
Hester/o Metric/o Uteri/o Uterus
Mamma/o Mast/o breast
Men/o Menses- menstruation
Metro/o 1. Uterus 2. Womb
Nat/o birth
Oophor/o Ovari/o Ovary
Perrine/o perineum (between wind and rain)
Salping/o Uterine or fallopian tubes
-arche beginning
-graveda Pregnant woman
-para To bear (offspring)
-salpinx Fallopian tubes
-tocia Childbirth, labor
-version turning
ante- Before or in the form of
Dys- Bad, painful and difficult
Endo In, within
Multi Many, much
Post- after
Primi- first
Infertility Unable to conceive after tying for 12 months
Vaginimus Painful spasm of the vagina from contraction of its surrounding muscle
abrupto Placenta Placenta is in normal position but separates from uterus
Placenta Previa Placenta is in abnormal position near the cervix and separates from the uterus
atresia Congenital absence or closure of a mortal body opening, such as the vagina
choriocarcinoma Malignant neoplasm of the uterus or at the site of an ectopic pregnancy
dyspareunia Occurrence of pain during sexual intercourse
Endocervicitis Inflammation of the mucous lining of the cervix uteri
retroversion Uterus tipped backwards
Uterine Fibroids (also called leiomyomas, myomas or fibroids) Benign tumors
Sterility Inability to produce offspring
abortion Termination of pregnancy before embryo or fetus is capable of surviving outside the uterus
abrupto placenta placenta suddenly breaks away from the uterine wall before the third stage of labor- also called plancental abruption
Breech Presentation Baby is coming out feet or bottom first
Down syndrome genetic condition in which a person is born with 47 chromosomes due to an extra chromosome 21
eclampsia most serious toxemia during pregnancy
ectopic pregnancy fertilized egg does not reach the uterine wall to be implanted. Pregnancy in the tube
Intrauterine Device IUD Small "T" shaped device inserted by a physician inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy
cerclage suturing of the cervix- prevents early delivery. Sutures are removed before deliver
cesarian section incision of the abdomen and uterus to remove the fetus, also called a C section
Colpocleisis surgical closure of the vaginal canal
Conization excision of a cone shaped piece of tissue, such as mucosa of the cervix. for histological examination
cordocentesis puncture- remove blood from the umbilical vein
cryosurgery process of freezing tissue to destroy cells also call cryocautery
episiotomy incision of the perineum to prevent tearing
Episiotomy repair of lacerated vulva or episiotomy
Myomectomy excision of a myoma or myomatous tumor of the uterine wall
dilation and curettage D&C widening of the cervical canal with a dilator and scraping of the uterine endometrium with a curette
Hysterectomy Excision or removal of uterus
Hysterectomy (subtotal) Hysterectomy where cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes remain
Hysterectomy (total) cervix is removed but the ovaries and fallopian tubes remain; complete hysterectomy
Hysterectomy plus bilateral oophorectomy Removal of uterus, ovaries, cervix, fallopian tubes
laparoscopy visual examination of the abdomen cavity with a laparoscope through small incision in abdominal wall. Usually the belly button
Lumpectomy excision of small primary breast tumor or lump
mammoplasty Surgical reconstruction of the breast to change the size, shape or position
mammoplasty Augmentation insertion of breast prosthesis
mammoplasty Reduction Removal of breast tissue to reduce the size
Mastectomy Excision of entire breast
Mastectomy Total (simple) excision of entire breast, nipple, areola, overlying skin also called a simple mastectomy
Mastectomy Modified radical excision of entire breast and lymph nodes, chest all, and muscle
Mastectomy Radical entire breast, all underarm lymph nodes, chest wall and , muscles underneath the breast
Reconstructive Breast surgery creation of breast shaped mound to replace a breast that has been removed to to cancer or other disease
transverse rectus abdominus (TRAM) flap using abdomen skin and tissue and shaped to a natural looking breast
tubal ligation procedure that ties (ligates)the fallopian tubes to prevent pegnancy
amniocentesis puncture of amniotic sac by a needed under ultrasound guidance to extract amniotic fluid
colposcopy visual examination of the vagina and cervix with an optical magnifying instrument
insuffglation adding pressurized gas to open up a chamber or cavity to allow for a visual examination
Pelvimetry measurement of the pelvis dimension to determine whether the head of the fetus will be able to pas through the bony pelvis to allow deliver
Chorionic villus sampling CVS Sampling of placenta tissues for prenatal DX of potential genetic affects
Endometrial biopsy removal of a sample uterine endometrium for microscopic study
Papanicolaou (PAP) test cytological study used to detect abnormal cells sloughed form the cervix and vagina
hypersalpingography HSG Radiography and usually flouoroscopy of the uterus and uterine tubes (oviducts) following injection of the contrast medium
mammography Radiographic examination of the breast to screen for breast cancer
ultrasonography used of sound waves that produce and image
Ultrasound transvaginal probe inserted in the vaginal which provides a sharper image of the structures
antifungals treat yest infections by altering the yeast cell membrane or interfering with a metabolic process
estrogen treat symptoms of menopause as hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Oral conctraception prevents ovulation- synthetic hormones used to prevent pregnancy and treat menstrual disorders
oxytocin Oxytocics Induce labor by increasing strength and frequency of contractions
prostoglandis hormones used to terminate pregnancy
spermicides chemically destroy sperm by creating a highly acidic environment in the uterus
Hormone replacement therapy use of synthetic or natural estrogens or combination of estrogen and progesterone to replace decline of the lack of natural hormones
D&C dilation and curettage
DUB dysfunctional uterine bleeding
FSH Follicle stimulating hormone
GYN gynecology
IUD intrauterine device
LH Luteinizing hormone
LMP last menstrual period
OCP's oral contraceptive pills
PAP Papanicolaou
PID Pelvic inflammatory disease
STD sexually transmitted disease
OB Obstetris
GC Gonorrhea
PMS Pre-menstrual syndrome


Cap. 01 - Sistemática e Classificação Biológica
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