Inner Planets Flash Cards Feb 25 2017


This is a study guide for my Inner and Outer Planets Test coming up on February 27 2017!
Jade Rucker
FlashCards por Jade Rucker, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jade Rucker
Criado por Jade Rucker mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the 4 inner planets mercury Venus earth and mars
what do all of the inner planets have a core mantel and crust closet to sun composed of mostly solid rock "terrestrial planets" smaller that outer planets
name 3 characteristics of mercury 88 days to orbit closest to sun many craters
name 3 characteristics of Venus earths sister planet hottest planet spins opposite direction than other planets
name 3 characteristics of earth home sweet home only planet with known life nice tempratures
name 3 characteristics of mars smaller than earth thin atmosphere very cold


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