Cell Symbols FlashCards


FlashCards sobre Cell Symbols FlashCards, criado por Dan Howe em 20-03-2017.
Dan Howe
FlashCards por Dan Howe, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dan Howe
Criado por Dan Howe mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Ammeter Measures the current flowing in a circuit
Battery Several cells joined together producing a constant current
Cell A single unit producing a constant current
Closed switch Allows a current to pass through it
Open switch Stops the current from flowing through the circuit
Diode Forces the current to flow in only one direction
Fuse Protects the circuit from surges
Lamp Produces light when a current is passed through it
Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) The amount of light shining onto it affects the amount of current that can pass through it
Resistor Slows the flow of electricity
Thermistor The temperature of the surroundings affects the amount of current that can pass through it
Variable Resistor Can vary the amount of current passing through it
Voltmeter Measures the potential difference of current in a circuit


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