Business objectives


FlashCards sobre Business objectives , criado por Akari Yamada em 04-05-2014.
Akari Yamada
FlashCards por Akari Yamada, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Akari Yamada
Criado por Akari Yamada quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Business objective A target a business works towards
Market share Proportion of total market sales achieved by one business
Social enterprise Organization that has a social objective as well as an aim to make a profit to reinvest back into the business
Stakeholder Any person or group with a direct interest in the performance and activity of a business
Objective of an owner Growth of business, Maximum profit
Objective of a consumer Safe, reliable, good quality product at the lowest price
Objective of a worker Regular payments for work, Job satisfaction
Objective of the government For firms to stay within laws, Increase country's output
Objective of a manager Growth of business, High pay
Objective of the bank Business to pay interest and capital rent
Objective of a community Employment, Safe product, Environmental friendly production


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