Chapter 6.2


FlashCards sobre Chapter 6.2, criado por Daniyal Qureshi em 23-03-2017.
                    Daniyal Qureshi
FlashCards por Daniyal Qureshi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
                    Daniyal Qureshi
Criado por Daniyal Qureshi mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What does kingdom mean? Kingdom is the name given to the group of classification.
What are vertebrates? Animals with backbones.
What are invertebrates? Animals without backbones.
Define phyla? 9 small animal groups.
What are poriferans? They are commonly sponges.
What are cnidarians and give a example? Cnidarians have radial symmetry and an example is a box jellyfish.
Define radial symmetry? A cut in any direction through the middle will result in identical halves.
Define bilateral symmetry? Only one position where a cut produces identical halves.
Define echinoderms? Echinoderms all live in water, usually in shallow water near the coast.
What are annelids and give an example? (Often used as fishing), and you will see rings along its body. An example is an earth worm.
What are nematodes? Nematodes are roundworms. They have bilateral symmetry like annelids.
What are platyhelminths? Platyhelminths are flat worms. They have bilateral symmetry.
What are molluscs and give some examples? They are members of the second largest phylum in the world. Snails, slugs etc belong to tis group. They live in very moist places.
What are Arthropods? Arthropods are from the largest animal phylum.
what is the largest animal phylum? Arthropods are the largest animal phylum.
What are chordates ? They have a nerve cord running down their back.
What is endoskeleton? Species that have skeleton INSIDE them.
Define vertebrae? The small bone new inside a vertebrae.
What does Agnatha mean? Jawless fish.
What are Chondrichthyes? Sharks and rays belong to that group because their skeleton is made of cartilage.
What are osteichtyes? Bony fish.
What re amphibians and give an example? Species that live underwater and on land and an example is a frog or crocodile.
What are reptiles and give an example? They have a dry, scaly skin. Some examples are crocodiles, lizards and snakes. They breathe using only lungs.


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