F453 Low Level Languages - Types Of Addressing


FlashCards sobre F453 Low Level Languages - Types Of Addressing, criado por harvs899 em 05-05-2014.
FlashCards por harvs899, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por harvs899 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What type of addressing has the value to be used in the operand? Immediate, for example ADD 0011 could mean add 3 to the value in the accumulator.
What are the disadvantages of immediate addressing? The value can not be reused between instructions, i.e the value would have to be repeated across every instruction that needs it. Also it is difficult to change the value.
What type of addressing points to the location in memory that holds the data? Direct addressing.
What is a limitation of direct addressing? The amount of memory addresses which can be utilised is dependent on the number of bits used for the operand of the instruction, e.g a 16 bit operand would allow 64kB of memory.
What is indirect addressing? The operand points to a memory location which points to another memory location which contains the value.
Why is indirect addressing useful? It allows access to a larger number of memory addresses.
What is indexed addressing? A special register called the index register is used, this is incremented and added to a base address each time it is referred to.
What data structure is indexed addressing most useful for? Arrays.
What type of addressing uses an index register? Indexed addressing.
What is relative addressing? All memory addresses are relative to a base address (the start of the program).
Why is relative addressing required? We don't know where a program will be loaded into memory during execution, so all memory addresses would need to change. However the locations are still in the same place relative to the base address.


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