A-Level Physics OCR B - Equations You Should Know


Set of physics equations that are not in the A-Level OCR formula book, but you still need to know. Used for both A-Level and AS-Level.
Kieran C
FlashCards por Kieran C, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kieran C
Criado por Kieran C mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Power Of A Lens In Dioptres P=1/f Power (d) = 1/focal length (m)
Magnification Of A Lens m=v/u m = Image Height / Object Height
Resistance V = I x R OR R = V/I = Resistance = Voltage/Current
Conductance G = I/V = Conductance = Current/Voltage OR G = 1/R = Conductance = 1/Resistance
Power P = VI = Power = Voltage x Current OR V = P/I = Voltage = Power/Current
Acceleration a = (Final Velocity - Initial Velocity) / Time v and u is in meters per second t is in seconds
Average Velocity
Displacment Displacement = Average Velocity x time (s) OR
Newtons 2nd Law When mass is constant: F = ma Where F is the resultant force When mass isn't constant: F = ΔP/Δt Where p is momentum and t is time
Kinetic Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy GPE = mgh GPE = Mass x Gravitaional Field Strength x Height
Energy of a Photon E = hc/λ OR energy = (Plancks constant X speed of light) / wavelength in meters
Slit Seperation


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