
A Levels ICT FlashCards sobre ICT WJEC, criado por kati.lombardi em 07-05-2014.
FlashCards por kati.lombardi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por kati.lombardi mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is data? Data consists of raw facts and figures e.g. readings from sensors and survey facts.
What is Information? Information is data which has been processed by the computer.
What is Knowledge? Knowledge is derived from information by applying rules to it.
What are the reasons for encoding data? Coded data is less effort to type in, takes up less storage space, easier to check using validation checks.
What are the problems associated with encoding? Encoded data is less accurate than the data from which it came. Encoding data often involves making a judgement about which code to use, which can be different for each person.
Why is it important that information is up to date, accurate and complete? Up to date, accurate and complete information adds value to organisations by aiding decision making, monitoring progress and the targeting of resources so giving a competitive advantage.
What are the costs in terms of money, time and human resources to get good quality information? Include cost of employing an expert to design data collection forms, cost of buying information from a third party and the travelling costs and other expenses for people involved.
How can information improve the quality of decision making? Accurate, correctly targeted, understandable, complete, relevant, up to date information has user confidence.
How do you find information? On-line (Internet, Intranet, CD Roms) and non-ICT sources.
How do data errors occur? Data errors can occur during input, transcription, processing and transmission.
What is the purpose of validation and use of the common types? The purpose of validation is to ensure the data entered is sensibloe and reasonable for processing.e.g. presence, format, range, data type, fixed value, check digit.
The purpose of verification? To check that the data entered into the ICT system perfectly matches the source of the data. E.g double entry, proof reading, sending back printouts.
What are the advantages of ICT overmanual methods of processing data? Speed of processing, data storage capacity, speed of searching, accuracy and improved security of data.
What factors affect the efficiency of data processing systems? Hardware, software, operating system, communication and input.
What health and safety issues are associated with ICT? RSI, stress, eyestrain, dependency, ELF radiation, back strain (posture).
What is the legislation covering the use of computers? Computer Misuse Act, Data Protection Act (1998), Copyright Act.
What is a Database? A large collection of data items and links between them, structured in such a way that allows it to be accessed by a number of different applications programs.
How can you make a database more secure? Hierarchy of passwords, storage of data separate to programs.


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