Midterm #1


Women's Studies (Women, Men, & Society ) FlashCards sobre Midterm #1, criado por Ani Gasparyan em 11-04-2017.
Ani Gasparyan
FlashCards por Ani Gasparyan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ani Gasparyan
Criado por Ani Gasparyan mais de 7 anos atrás

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One Sex Model belief that there is only one sex, which is to be male. example.) Ancient Greek charts showed female anatomy with inverted penises, and men & women's bodies were viewed as largely the same
Two Sex Model belief that there are two sexes example.) male and female viewed as the only two sexes in the United States
intersex general term used for a person who is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't seem to fit the traditional definitions of female or male. example.) xxy chromosomes
essentialism a belief that things have a set of characteristics that make them what they are, and that the task of science and philosophy is their discovery and expression; the doctrine that essence is prior to existence.
Social Construction Theory a process by which we make reality meaningful through shared interpetation
Sexual Dimorphism differences between males and females in appearance and behavior
Sex physical differences in primary sexual characteristics and secondary sexual characteristics (biological)
Gender the symbolism of masculinity and femininity that we connect to being male-bodied or female-bodied (cultural)
Normalization beliefs and practices, by being institutionalized, are made well know, widely followed, and culturally approved
Gender Performativity a stylized repetition of acts, an imitation or miming of the dominant conventions of gender. (doing gender)
Gender Rules (Habit, Pleasure, Policing) instructions for how to appear and behave as a man or woman
Sexual Double Standard different rules for the sexual behavior of men and women
Good Girl/Bad Girl -
Dichotomy a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
Binary Logic -
Masculinities things we associate with men
Intersectionality the fact that gender is not an isolated social fact about us, but instead intersects with our other identities
The Personal Exception a theory that allows us to reconcile our own complex identity with what we think we know about men and women by assuming that we're unusually unique
Theory of Gender -
Gender Binary the idea that there are only two types of people - male bodied people who are masculine and female bodied people who are feminine
Gender Identity a sense of oneself as male or female
Patriarchy literally, the rule of the father; it refers to the control of female and younger male family members by select adult men, or patriarchs
Androcentrism the granting of higher status, respect, value, reward, and power to the masculine compared to the feminine
Sexism prejudice against people based on their biological sex
Subordination the placing of women into positions that make them subservient to or dependent on men
Misogyny hatred of women
Male Flight a phenomenon in which men abandon feminizing arenas of life
Hegemonic Masculinity a type of man, idealized by men and women alike, who functions to justify and naturalize gender inequality
Hierarchy of Men a rough ranking of men from most to least masculine, with the assumption that more masculine is better
Hypermasculinity extreme conformity to the more aggressive rules of masculinity
Patriarchial Bargin a deal in which an individual or group accepts or even legitimates some of the costs of patriarchy in exchange for receiving some of its rewards
Feminine Apologetic a requirement that women balance their appropriation of masculine interests, traits, and activities with feminine performance
Benevolent Sexism the attribution of positive traits to women that, nonetheless, justify women's subordination to men
Hostile Sexism the condemnation of women with negative instead of positive stereotypes and the use of threats and violence to enforce women's subservience to men
Emphasized Femininity an exaggerated form of femininity "oriented to accommodating the interests and desires of men"
Emphatic Sameness strategy by which women try to be "just one of the guys"
Gendered Equivocation the use of both emphasized femininity and emphatic sameness when they're useful and culturally expected
Rape Culture an environment that justifies, naturalizes, and even glorifies sexual pressure, coercion, and violence


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Research Methods
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