james i : consensus under strain 1603 - 1625


A level History (britain) FlashCards sobre james i : consensus under strain 1603 - 1625, criado por izzy smith em 13-04-2017.
izzy smith
FlashCards por izzy smith, atualizado more than 1 year ago
izzy smith
Criado por izzy smith mais de 7 anos atrás

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tonnage and poundage - taxes on imports and exports
farming out - leasing out the administration of customs in return for an annual rent
customs farmers - merchants who would pay the crown for the right to collect customs revenue
impositions - customs duties on specific goods
netherlands - england's biggest trading partner. in the late sixteenth century, the northern netherlands had waged a protracted campaign to win their freedom from spain. elizabeth i had assisted this struggle and had been given the right to hold some towns in return
subsidy rolls - records of taxation which were used to determine how much each area should pay
merchant adventurers - a group of merchants who were the only people allowed to export cloth
master of the wardrobe - the official in charge of a department in the royal household.
popery -the derogatory term given to catholicism. it suggested that catholics were not merely following a private religion but were part of an international conspiracy led by the pope against 'true' religion or protestantism
millenary petition - supposedly signed by 1000 clergy asking for moderate puritan reforms
hampton court - one of the most important royal palaces, just outside london
pluralism - simultaneously holding more than one office in the church
stipend - the income received from a parish
living - the post of parish priest
king james bible - the accepted version of the bible used in all english churches for the next 300 years. it is recognised as one of the finest pieces of english prose ever written and many of its phrases have become part of the language.
surplice - a long white tunic worn by a minister when taking a service
calvinist - follower of the teachings of john calvin, who set up a strict church in geneva which was non-hierarchical. calvin believed that preaching was the most important part of the service and he emphasised predestination
predestination - the belief that god had already decided who would go to heaven and who to hell
arminians - protestants who believed in free will and a ceremonial form of religion which resembled catholic practices
papist - an uncomplimentary name given to catholics
catholic interpretation - catholics believed that in the communion service or mass, the bread and wine were transformed by miracle at the moment of consecration into the actual body and blood of jesus, although their outward form remained the same. this is known as transubstantiation
united provinces - the seven northern provinces of the netherlands that won their independence from spain
elector palatine - the prince of a rhineland province in the holy roman empire
dowry - payment in money, goods or land made by the family of a bride to her new husband and his family
habsburg - the family that ruled both in the holy roman empire and spain
bohemia - a region in the modern day czech republic
holy roman emperor - ruled over the holy roman empire, which covered a large area of central europe centered on germany. it was an elective title, although in practice the position was held by the habsburg family for centuries
battle of the white mountain - destroyed the bohemian army and left frederick and elizabeth with no option but to flee.
the form of apology and satisfaction - a method for the commons to show their feelings about royal action or their own privileges in a way that was not confrontational was to write it in their journal. this was a record of all that happened in the commons.
tower of london - a royal residence, but increasingly it was used more as a secure place to keep influential wrongdoers in relative comfort
monopolies - these gave groups or individuals the right to be the sole supplier or a product or service
revisionists - historians who challenge the prevailing historical interpretations
post-revisionists - historians who modify the stance of revisionist historians w/o totally discrediting it


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