Unit 3 - Astronomy Flashcards


KS4 (GCSE) Year 8 (Physics) FlashCards sobre Unit 3 - Astronomy Flashcards, criado por Oliver H em 10-05-2014.
Oliver H
FlashCards por Oliver H, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Oliver H
Criado por Oliver H mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Solar System Everything orbiting the sun [8 planets, 5+ Dwarf Planets, Millions of Asteroids, Trillions of comets]
Planets 1. Must orbit sun 2. Must be big enough to pull themselves into a round shape 3. Must have cleared their own orbit of similar objects
M V E M C J S U N P H M E Mercury [Rocky/terrestrial] Venus [Rocky/terrestrial] Earth [Rocky/terrestrial] Mars [Rocky/terrestrial] Ceres [Dwarf] Jupiter [Gas giant] Saturn [Gas giant] Uranus [Gas giant] Neptune [Gas giant] Pluto [Dwarf] Haumea [Dwarf] Makemake [Dwarf] Eris [Dwarf]
Moons - Orbit planets rather than sun - Earth has 1, Jupiter has 60+
Asteroids - Irregular lumps of rock } 1km -> 500km - Most lie between Mars and Jupiter
Comets - Like asteroids but contain ice + frozen gasses - Mostly exist beyond Neptune in 2 huge clouds [Kuiper Belt + Oort Cloud] -Occasionally get knocked into inner solar system
Stars - Produce own energy [Light, heat, other radiation] - Made of ~75% Hydrogen, ~24% Helium, ~1% other elements - Sun = Ordinary star [Some fainter/brighter]
Life of a star
Nuclear Fusion
High Mass stars When H runs out in a star, core gets hotter + more dense until the He atoms start fusing. Helium -> Carbon -> Oxygen [Now a red giant] Very massive stars can fuse elements heavier than Helium -> Red supergiant. Eventually they become unstable and explode as supernovae.
Milky Way Sun is 1 of 200-300 billion stars in the milky-way. Milky way is a huge island of stars, dust, gas + dark matter. Sun orbits Milky way 250 million years.
Milky Way diagram
External galaxies Beyond the Milky way there are 10's of billions of other galaxies making up the universe. Our closest neighbours form the LOCAL GROUP of ~30 galaxies. [1 of closest = Andromeda - 2.5 million light years]
Types of Galaxies
Astronomical Unit 1AU = 150 million km = average distance of earth to sun. 1 light-year ~ 63000 AU AU not used outside solar system [too small]
Stability of stars 2 forces [gravity (pushing in) + radiation pressure (pushing out)] are balanced.
The Universe Redshift : Waves stretched [appear red] - galaxies moving away Blue shift : Waves compresses [appear blue] - Moving closer
Hubble's Law


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