Research Methods Reliability and Validity


A level Psychology FlashCards sobre Research Methods Reliability and Validity, criado por Lucy Evans em 24-04-2017.
Lucy Evans
FlashCards por Lucy Evans, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lucy Evans
Criado por Lucy Evans mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Reliability How consistent data is. Will you get the same results if you were to carry out the same experiment again.
Validity How accurate the data is. Is the IV causing the DV or are there any other variables which could cause the change.
External Validity Consistency from one occasion to another. The same results should be found on different days, in different labs by different researchers.
Test- Retest Reliability Participants take the same test on different occasions. A high correlation between test scores indicates the test has good external reliability.
Internal Relaiability Are the tests and procedures consistent within itself- Questions in an interview should all be measuring the same thing.
Split- Half Compares a participants performance on to halves of a test. There should be a close correlation between scores on both halves. Equal for good internal reliability.
Inter-rater reliability Consistency of researchers behavior should produce similar results. carry out interviews in the same way.
Internal Validity The tool is measuring what it is intending to measure.
External Validity The findings can be generalized beyond the context of the research situation
Face Validity Does it look as if the data is valid? one or more judges assess whether the test seems appropriate and suggest changes if necessary.
Content Validity Does the test cover everything in the area of interest? Experts in the field systematically examine the tools and components and compare them with set standards. they agree on content appropriate.
Concurrent Validity New measure test should match preexisting and established valid test.
Predictive Validity Use past or current results to predict future results. can diagnosis of a certain mental illness predict recovery?
Temporal/ Historical Validity If the finding from a study can apply today or do they endure overtime or era dependent.
Population Validity Can we generalize our findings from our research participants to other population groups.
Context/ Ecological Validity Can we apply our findings to other contexts and situations outside of the research setting.


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