

As level Travel and toursim FlashCards sobre Untitled, criado por 100396 em 13-05-2013.
FlashCards por 100396, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is tourism ? Name the 3 elements. -Leisure(going on holiday)health,educational, sports,culture -Business (meeting, exhibition,trade fairs ,incentive corporate hospitality -Visiting friends and realativies VFR (Family events celebration spending the weekend there)
definition of tourism tourism is the activities of the person who is travelling to and staying in places outside their usual enviroment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure business and other purpose.
Main types of tourist types domestic-travelling within your own country Inbound- foreign people visitng our country Outbound- going out of you country to visit another
Aspects of Commercial organisation (Private) -Aim to make a profit -Owned by individuals/ shareholders -can be large global companies,Virgin BA, Thomas cook -Majority are small to medium sized -All tour operators, travel agents , airlines,hotels
apects Non commercial organisation (public) -Publicly funded or voluntary -Aim to provide information or a service -Dont make a profit -Tourist board, visit Britain,tourist information centres
external pressures Economic and political The Economic Climate Currencey Fluctuation Fuel costs terrorism natural disasters
Economic climate what is it ? Due to the double dip recession (2008 another in 2010). Which has an impact on holiday spending as this is often financed by loans and credit cards, unemployment is rising and people are being made redundant. Less frequent holidays and more domestic holidays.
What is currency fluctuation Values of the world currrencies are always changing The £,$ and Euro are the most important


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