Great Expectations Quote Analysis


FlashCards sobre Great Expectations Quote Analysis, criado por Emma Buckland em 05-05-2017.
Emma Buckland
FlashCards por Emma Buckland, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emma Buckland
Criado por Emma Buckland aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

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TITLE Great Expectations The title is directly referring to the protagonist's desires for the future. One by one, Pip's great expectations are destroyed. Each character has expectations, some are successful and others are not. The reader has great expectations for the book.
NAMES Pip This is the nickname he gives himself- a shortened version of Phillip Pirrip. He keeps this name as he grows up, showing the reader that he keeps some of his childlike innocence. Pip means seed, suggesting that he will grow and mature. This links to the fact that Great Expectations is a bildungsroman novel.
NAMES Estella Stella means star. Estella is bright and beautiful; however, she is unattainable. She is cold and distant, but dangerous if you get too close. Like a star, she is Pip's guide and his sole interest for much of the novel.
NAMES Magwitch Magwitch includes the supernatural creature "witch", suggesting something 'otherworldly'. This is accurate as he is an escaped criminal, representing the underbelly of Victorian society. It also links to the fact that he is Pip's mysterious benefactor.
NAMES Miss Havisham Miss Havisham is ambiguous. It could be read as "have a shame". Havisham was shamed by being jilted and this alters her entire existence. However, it could also be read as "have a sham". She puts on a sham by leading men to Estella and breaking their hearts.
SOCIETY AND CLASS Her contempt for me was so strong, that it became infectious, and I caught it Estella has been trained by Havisham to toy with males so she can get her revenge. She bullies him about his worth due to his low class and he believes her. This is when he begins to believe that class measures worth and value. The use of disease imagery shows that it could not be helped- Pip didn't believe Estella's insults by choice, he is hopeless.
SOCIETY AND CLASS I wished Joe had been rather more genteelly brought up, and then I should have been so too After spending time with Havisham and Estella, Pip is unsatisfied with who he is and blames this on Joe. Pip is naive and foolish as he thinks that being of a high class is more important than friendship.
SOCIETY AND CLASS I took the look at my coarse hands and my common boots Pip is now aware that his appearance reveals his social class. Estella is repulsed by Pip's coarse hands and this sticks with him. He has a very low opinion of himself and wants to change this by gaining social class.


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