Tudors - Henry VII - Quiz


A - Level Unit 1C: Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty 1485 - 1547 Part One: The Reign of Henry VII 1485-1509
Courtney Ward
FlashCards por Courtney Ward, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Courtney Ward
Criado por Courtney Ward mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What was the Acts of Attainder? One of the most common forms of punishment Loss of rights when convicted of treason or other serious crimes Often meant a loss of estate
How did Henry VII use Acts of Attainder to control his nobility? In a 'cat & mouse' way He would gradually restore confiscated lands as rewards for loyalty & support
What was a bond and a recognisance? A bond was a lump sum payable if good behaviour was not observed A recognisance was formal acknowledgement of a debt Forms of extraordinary revenue
What were Henry's four main aims for his foreign policy? 1. To secure his throne 2. Achieve international recognition of his kingship & his dynasty's succession 3. Promote prosperity in England 4. To maintain prestige while keeping the costs down
What two important Yorkists had a strong claim to the throne in 1485? Richard's nephew - Earl of Warwick Richard III named his heir as another nephew - John de la Pole
How did Henry deal with these Yorkist threats to the throne? Earl of Warwick - sent him to Tower of London - lived there in relative comfort H7 considered John de la Pole & his father as enemies but both pledged their loyalty - Pole invited to join the King's council
What happened to the Earl of Surrey that supported Richard at Bosworth? Was kept in prison until 1489, when Henry was convinced he would be loyal
What happened to the Duke of Northumberland after supporting Richard at Bosworth? Was released at the end of 1485 & given the opportunity to prove his loyalty by controlling the North
What was demanded by Henry from Viscount Beaumont after Bosworth? Henry demanded written promises of loyalty & if he broke these he would be given heavy fines His heir was kept at court (Earl of Westmoreland)
What were the two minor uprisings that occurred in 1485-86 whilst Henry was on his royal progress to York? Midlands & North: Lovel & Stafford brothers - atempted to start rebellion - H7 offered surrender & reconciliation or excommunication & death - Lovel fled, Humphrey executed, Thomas pardoned Wales: Vaughans & Herberts attempted to lead Yorkist Rebellion - plan to kill H7 - stopped by Rhys ap Thomas
Why did the Cornish Rebellion take place in 1497? Heavy tax to finance expedition north to confront Scotland & Warbeck Cornish long tradition of independence - refused to contribute (little threat to them)
What was the outcome of the Cornish Rebellion? When they reached London - 15,000 1000 rebels quickly killed, rest fled Henry showed mercy - only 3 executed Showed his position still wasn't strong & people not prepared to finance war in defence of Tudor regime


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