Complete FIRST Flashcards - Unit 08


First Certificate of Cambridge Complete FIRST (FCE - B2) (Unit 008) FlashCards sobre Complete FIRST Flashcards - Unit 08, criado por Rafa Teacher em 12-05-2017.
Rafa Teacher
FlashCards por Rafa Teacher, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rafa Teacher
Criado por Rafa Teacher mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
ABANDON SUSPENDER / The match was abandoned at half-time because of the poor weather conditions.
ADORE ADORAR / I adore horses.
A STEP AHEAD OF UN PASO POR DELANTE DE / The filmmaker manages to keep a step ahead of his critics by constantly trying new ideas.
AWARE CONSCIENTE / She needed to make people aware of the danger.
BRUTAL BRUTAL / Her criticism was brutal.
CAUSE CAUSAR / Her actions caused us a lot of problems.
CHANCE OF A LIFETIME OPORTUNIDAD ÚNICA / This competition is the chance of a lifetime for me.
COMPULSORY OBLIGATORIO / Swimming was compulsory at my school.
CONTESTANT CONCURSANTE / In tonight's quiz, our contestants have come from all over the country.
DISTURB PERTURBAR / Their loud music disturbed our peace.
FULFIL CUMPLIR / I know I will fulfil my dreams one day.
GAIN EXPERIENCE GANAR EXPERIENCIA / I took a summer job to gain some experience.
GEEK BICHO RARO / He's such a geek.
GET YOUR FIRST TASTE OF PROBAR POR PRIMERA VEZ / She got her first taste of success in that show.
HOOKED ENGANCHAR / I'm hooked on spy movies.
INTENSE INTENSO / intense cold/heat/hatred
INTIMIDATED INTIMIDADO / I was intimidated by all those clever people.
INVALUABLE INVALORABLE / Her help was invaluable.
LAUNCH LANZAR / to launch a career
MEDIA MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN / The media are covering the speech tonight.
NERVE-WRACKING QUE DESTROZA LOS NERVIOS / I find giving talks absolutely nerve-wracking.
PHOTOGENIC FOTOGÉNICO / She's very photogenic.
PRIVACY INTIMIDAD / The new law is designed to protect people's privacy.
PURSUE EJERCER / He decided to pursue a career in television.
REALISE AN AMBITION CUMPLIR UNA AMBICIÓN / He realised his ambition of becoming a doctor.
RELEASE ESTRENARSE / His new movie is due to be released next month.
SCANDAL ESCÁNDALO / a financial/political/sex scandal
SENSATION SENSACIÓN / The book was a sensation.
SOMEONE'S … DAYS ARE BEHIND THEM DEJAR ATRÁS LA ÉPOCA DE… / My travelling days are behind me now.
STRIP AWAY ARRANCARSE / She stripped away his mask of confidence.
STUCK IN TRAFFIC EN UN ATASCO DE TRÁFICO / I'm sorry I'm late - I was stuck in traffic.
TABLOID PERIÓDICO SENSACIONALISTA / I read all the gossip in the tabloids.
TURN DOWN RECHAZAR / She turned down the job.
VOLUNTARY VOLUNTARIO / The extra homework is voluntary.


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