1895-1906 BRITAIN and the Conservatives


FlashCards sobre 1895-1906 BRITAIN and the Conservatives , criado por alinam em 17-05-2014.
FlashCards por alinam, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por alinam mais de 10 anos atrás

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Questão Responda
What were the conservatives main policies up to 1905? -PRO EMPIRE -PRO-UNION -ANTI-HOME RULE
What was the support gained by the conservatives in the early period called? 'Villa Toryism' - from the middle suburban classes 'Villa Slum' - minority but from the working classes
Why did the conservatives gain more middle class support? The gap between the landlords and middle classes was blurring
What was a conservatives tactic to remove the issue or Home Rule? "Kill Home Rule with kindness" Eg. The land purchase act under Balfour
What period was the Boer War? 1899-1902
Did the liberals or conservatives support the Boer War? The conservatives were in power at the time and supported it, where the liberals were (Quaker pacifists) and we're opposed to it.
Cost or Boer War? £200 million
Consequences of Boer War? It made Britain seem weak from the amount of time taken to win the war (ended 1902) Questioned why they even went to war to start with. Raised the issue of national efficiency
How many of the volunteers were deemed 'unfit'? 33%
Which allies were lost post Boer War and why? France, Germany, Russia, Austria- Hungary. Seen as weak and sympathised with Boers.
When did the b Boer war end? 1902
What advantages did the Boers have ? Stronger forces, had the home soil advantage as knew the terrain. "Small guerrilla groups" Hard for the British to fight against them
What tactics did Britain use? 'Scorched Earth' Labeled Methods of Barbarism
Who were the natural middle class supporters ? Wealthy, Middle class Banks/Businessmen Property owners
Name one of the tactics used by the Conservatives to gain support for elections? Use of the Primrose League -Conservative women who ran fundraisers and rallied support
How many seats were unopposed for the conservatives in 1866? 144 Rose again by 1900
What did imperialist policies aim to do? "Keep Britain Great"
Who was the leader of the conservatives up until 1902? Lord Sailsbury
Under what leader did the conservatives start to lose support and what time period? Arthur Balfour from 1902 to 1905
What relation was Balfour to Lord Sailsbury He was his nephew
What was the Education Act, who introduced it, when was it, and what impact did it have on the conservatives? Introduced 1902 by Balfour All schools were now run by the LEA instead of the church schools being separate. It doubled the number of schools 1905-1915 It alienated non-conformists as they believed that there money should not be paying for church schools.m
What did non conformists call the education act? "Rome on the Rates"
Name and outline another introduced policy that resulted in the conservatives declining in popularity.. The Licensing Act 1904 Temperance societies were unhappy about funding the government scheme to compensate breweries. This was an attempt to close down failing pubs
Which area was it and how many people were involved in ' Chinese Slavory' 50,000 and the Transvaal Gold Mines (as the economy had been interrupted by war)
Problems with 'Chinese Salvery' Seen as inhumane treatment and exploitation Trade unions used it as propaganda against the conservatives claiming it may happen in Britain
How many people were killed in the Boer War concentration camps? 26,000 80% of these were woman and children
Who gave it the nickname 'Chinese Slavery'? Campbell Bannerman
Name two cases which were seen as an attack on human rights. Lyons v Wilkins 1899 It outlawed the right to picket as the government refused to intervene Taff Vale Case 1900 Railway workers went on strike and the government sued the trade union for £23,000
When was the idea of Tariff Reforms introduced and who by? 1903 and by Chamberlain (conservative)
What trade policy was previously in place in Britain ? The idea of Free Trade


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