Arousal and Anxiety in sport


OCR psychology component 3, sport
Ellen Knight
FlashCards por Ellen Knight, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ellen Knight
Criado por Ellen Knight quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Arousal A state of alertness and anticipation that prepares the body for action It involves physiological activity and cognitive activity - e.g. increased heart rate and attention
Why is arousal necessary? To meet the challenge of performance
Stress The basis for flight or fight reactions - e.g. adrenaline aids performance
Anxiety Feelings of fear and apprehension - e.g. caused because a situation is seen as threatening
What are the two main types of anxiety? Trait anxiety State anxiety
Trait anxiety Anxious personality type - e.g. a disposition to be anxious
State anxiety Anxiety experienced before and after performance
What are the two types of State anxiety? Somatic state anxiety Cognitive state anxiety
Somatic state anxiety The person's physiological state having an effect on their performance e.g. feeling nauseous, breathing heavily, heart pounding
Cognitive state anxiety The person's negative thoughts and cognitive processes having an effect on their performance e.g. Lack of self confidence, fear of losing, doubting their ability


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