Revising paper 2: The basics


A set of flashcards helping learners revise the basic facts about paper 2, Reading non-fiction & Transactional writing from Edexcel's 9-1 GCSE English Language exams.
Sarah Holmes
FlashCards por Sarah Holmes, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sarah Holmes
Criado por Sarah Holmes quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How long is paper 2? 2 hours in total
How long should you spend reading the two non-fiction texts in section A? 15 minutes Skim read each text to get a general impression of SITE (Subject, Ideas, Themes & Events) Read each text in detail annotating language & structural features, significant aspects of SITE & writers' ideas & perspectives
How many questions are there in section A? 7 questions 1 - 3 are on text 1 questions 4 - 6 are on text 2 question 7 asks you to compare both the texts.
Will the texts be C19th or modern? Modern. Both of the texts will be from either the C20th or C21st
Are the texts in section A fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction. One texts will always be some form of literary non-fiction. The other text may also be literary non-fiction but a different form or it could be a piece of media non-fiction
How long do you get for section A? 1 hour 15 minutes. This includes the 15 minutes reading time so you have 1 hour to answer the 7 questions
For which text to you have to analyses the effects of specific language and structural devices? Text 1. Question 3 will always require a PEED essay response which analyses, in detail, the effects of specific language and structural devices in terms of making the text interesting to read.
What is the rule relating to marks and timings? 1 mark = 1 minute This means that you should spend the same number of minutes answering a question as the number of marks on offer.
Why is question 7 different from the other 6 questions in section A? 1) It is split into two parts, both of which must be answered. 2) It asks you to write about both of the texts at the same time, comparing and contrasting them.
What do you have to do in section B? Produce 1 extended piece of transactional writing.
What forms of writing might you be asked to produce in section B? Articles (newspaper, magazine, web-based) Reviews Reports Speeches/talks Letters Diaries/journals Travel writing Leaflets Blogs Webpages Basically any non-fiction form apart from transitory ones such as email, news feeds, Social Media posts etc. .
What percentage of your GCSE is paper 2 worth? 60% This is the paper which is worth the largest percentage of your GCSE so make sure you provide responses to all of the questions and revise thoroughly for this exam!


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