Sociology glossary - Education


A-Levels Sociology (Education) FlashCards sobre Sociology glossary - Education, criado por eleanaaar em 15-05-2013.
FlashCards por eleanaaar, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por eleanaaar mais de 11 anos atrás

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Social mobility Change of position between social classes e.g. a movement from working to middle class would be an upward social movement
Equality of educational opportunity Principle that all people should be provided with equal opportunity in education - irrespective of their sex, age, ethnicity or religion
Streaming Where children are separated in different teaching groups based on their ability
Meritocracy People are rewarded based on their talents and abilities rather than their social background
Material deprivation Lacking basic necessities due to poverty e.g. living in overcrowded housing depresses school performance
Cultural deprivation Inadequate socialisation in the home e.g. little or no motivation & parents take no interest in school achievement
Immediate gratification Preference for immediate pleasure or reward without considering the long term consequences
Cultural capital Desired knowledge, language and social skills which aid student's success in school. Middle class parents pass this on to their children by trips to museums etc.
Economic capital Money or wealth which allows people to buy educational success e.g. rich parents can send their children to private schools
Hidden curriculum Things learnt at school which are not openly or formally taught e.g. obedience
Formal curriculum Things learnt at school which are openly taught e.g. subjects in the national curriculum
Labelling Process of attaching a preconceived idea of a student on to them e.g. troublemaker
Stereotyping Preconceived (often negative) idea about a person e.g. all black boys are disruptive
Self-fulfilling prophecy Where students live up to predictions or labels placed on them by teachers
Anti-school subcultures Set of attitudes and values that go against mainstream or pro-school subcultures e.g. a high value is placed on truancy
Marketisation Process of opening schools up to the free market by creating competition between schools e.g. exam league tables
Ethnocentric Concerning only one cultural perspective & excluding all others e.g. only English history
Primary socialisation Secondary socialisation Primary - Learning of norms & values within family Secondary - Learning of norms & values outside the family e.g. school
Norms Normal ways of behaving e.g. wearing clothes and not swearing at old people
Values Ideas or beliefs that are felt to be important e.g achieving good grades
False class-consciousness Not being aware of your true class interests e.g. working class are not aware that they're being exploited
Correspondence principal Idea that there is a strong relationship between the way that schools and workplaces are ran/organised e.g. both have hierarchies
New vocationalism Educational policies that are concerned with imparting work based skills and qualifications
Social control Process by which society gets people to conform or behave as they want them to e.g. detentions in school to stop lateness


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