

grade 7 science FlashCards sobre reproduction, criado por Ella Ivanovici em 25-05-2017.
Ella Ivanovici
FlashCards por Ella Ivanovici, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ella Ivanovici
Criado por Ella Ivanovici mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
what is reproduction reproduction is the creation of a new living thing
what is asexual reproduction and name pros and cons of it - it requires 1 parent organism - the offspring is genetically identical to the parent and - pros: extremely efficient - cons: If the parent has genetic defects the offspring will also be "weak"
what is sexual reproduction and name pros and cons of it it requiers 2 parent organisms and the offspring is genetically unique form the parent pros: produces genetically different babies increasing survival rates cons: requires time and effort
name the two types of asexual reproduction binary fission and budding
what is budding a type of asexual reproduction in which a new individual develops for an outgrowth on the body of a plant
what is binary fission it is when a fully grown parent cell splits into two to create two new cells
name the two types of sexual reproduction external and internal
what is external fertilization external fertilization is the the male and female gametes are released in to the open and then brought together by a curent to create a zygote and then a new organism
what is internal fertilization it is when the male and the female joins their cloacas and the male releases semen into the female's cloaca and the spermatozoa travel up to reach te ova
label this diagram
where is pollen produced the anther
what are bisexual flowers flowers that contain both female and male reproductive parts
explain pollination pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma then the male gametes pass thought a pollen tube through the style to the ovule where one of the male gametes fuses with one of the female gametes creating a zygote then the ovule turn into the seed of a fuite
what is self pollination if the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma takes place in the same flower
what is cross pollination what the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma is from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another
how can cross pollination be done with wind, water, insects or animals
label this diagram
explain the function of the epididymis it is used for sperm storage
what is the function of the vas deferens tube that carries the sperm out of the epididymis
what are seminal vehicles and prostate glands they produce a rich milky fluid in which the sperm swim in
what is semen a mixture of sperm and star rich fluids
what is the urethra a tube from the balder to the end of the penis in which both semen and urine pass through
label tis diagram
what are ovaries two organ inside a women's body in which eggs are stored and mature
what is ovum another name for egg plural is ova
what is ovulation the process of when an ovary releases 1 ovum every 28 days
what are follicles fluid willed cavities insides the ovary which contains 1 egg each
what is Corpus Luteum the empty follicle after the egg has been released
what is an oviduct of a fallopian tube tiny tubes which move egg toward the uterus ifs perm are present they fertilize the egg in the oviduct
what is the uterus a hollow pair-shaped organ which thick muscular walls
what is the cervix the lower entrance to the uterus
what is the vagina of birth canal a muscular passageway
what is the urethra the tube which carries urine from the bladder out of the body in women it is separate from the vagina
what is a menstrual cycle a one-mounth cycle of changes that surrounds ovulation
explain each step of the menstrual cycle every month the body produces an ovum to be fertilized during ovulation the lining of the uterus thickens and your body temperature increases if fertilization does not occur then the body releases the ovum along with the celles that lined the uterus
where are female gametes formed in the ovary
where are the male gametes formed in the testes
what is fertilization fertilization is when one sperm fuses which the ovum and creates a zygote
where does the ovum get fertilized in the fallopian tube
what happens after fertilization the zygote moves from the fallopian tube and into the uterus and becomes an embryo by the 8th week the embryo becomes the fetus
how many trimesters are there in pregnancy 3
what happens in the 1st trimester it is weeks 1-13 week 4: brain heart limbs eyes and spinal chord id being formed week 8: the first bone cells are made week 12: the liver brain and heart are forming
what happens in the second trimester weeks 14-26 Week 16: the skeleton is forming and most organ are present but not fully developed week 20: hair and teeth starts to grow week 24: he has lungs but its can't breath on it's own and it has fingerprints
what happens in the third trimester weeks 27-40 week 28: bones harden immune system develops and fetus can open its eyes Week 32: the lungs and brain continue to develop week 36: it can hear its others voice and it's hair and nails continue to grow
what can prevent pregnancy and STIs condoms the pill the sponge
what does STI stand for sexually transmitted decease
name the female and male sex hormones and where they are produced male: testosterone produced in the testes female: estrogen produced in the ovary
what is FSH and where is it produced and what does this hormone do Follicle Stimulating Hormone is produced in the pituitary gland and it is a property hormone


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