Tudor Monarch religious changes


These flashcards test your knowledge on how religion changed over the Tudor times.
Aksa Bibi
FlashCards por Aksa Bibi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Aksa Bibi
Criado por Aksa Bibi quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Name 2 changes Henry made to the Catholic church 1) Restricted English version of Bible to the upper class. 2) Became head of church- Pope was head before.
Name 3 changes Edward made to the church 1) Bible/Service was in English for everyone 2) Priests could marry 3) Priests wore plain clothes
Name 3 changes Mary made to the church 1) Pope head of church 2) Service in Latin 3) Priests couldn't marry
Name 3 Protestant changes Elizabeth made to the church 1) No mass 2) Saints didn't receive special prayers 3) Bread+ Wine resemble God
Name a Catholic change E made to the church Priests wore vestments to distinguish themselves
Name 3 middle way changes E made 1) Queen would be supreme governor 2) Church decorated 3) Some ceremonies allowed


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Alessandra S.
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Tatiana E.
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Juliana Alfer
Contextualização da Aula 4 - Gestão - Administração da Carreira Profissional
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Matemática Básica
Hugo Fonseca