6) Acquisition of Malta - navy


A level History (Britain ) FlashCards sobre 6) Acquisition of Malta - navy, criado por Lauren Le Prevost em 28-05-2017.
Lauren Le Prevost
FlashCards por Lauren Le Prevost, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lauren Le Prevost
Criado por Lauren Le Prevost mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What year did Britain acquire Malta? 1815.
Who captured Matla? Napoleon.
How did the local population respond to the French garrison? The local population rebelled against the French garrison, and asked Britain for help.
What year did Nelson blockade Valetta, the capital? 1799.
What year did the French surrender? 1800.
When did the port become a major naval base? When the Suez Canal opened, 1869, placing it on Britain's main seaway to India.
Despite it only really being useful after the opening of the Suez Canal, Malta also, arguably, provided Britain with a position of dominance concerning what? Concerning the Anglo-French rivalry.


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