Introduction to the Human body


basic overview of anatomical terms
Laura Miller
FlashCards por Laura Miller, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Laura Miller
Criado por Laura Miller mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Anatomy levels of organization Chemical Cellular tissue organs organ system organism
Chemical level atoms and molecules
molecule 2 or more atoms joined together
tissue groups of cells working together to perform function
4 types of tissues epithelial connective muscular nervous
organ level 2 or more tissues recognizable shape
system group of organs common function
organism most complex all parts and systems
how many systems of the body? 11
I S M N E C D R U R L I still miss nice elephants, cats, dogs, roosters under rocky ledges
I integumentary
S skeletal
M muscular
n nervous
e endocrine
c cardiovascular
d digestive
r respiratory
u urinary
r reproductive
L lymphatic
Life processes living vs nonliving
life processes metablism catabolism anabolism responsiveness movement growth differentiation reproduction
Homeostasis body's internal environment remains within a sameness
2 systems that try to maintain homeostasis nervous endocrine
loss of homeostasis stressor(disrupts)>monitored variable(detects)>controlled condition>feedback loop
negative feedback loop works to reverse most feedback systems ex: blood pressure
positive feedback loop reinforces/strengthens ex: labor
homeostatic imbalance results in disease or disorder
disease signs and symptoms
signs objective ex: fever, swelling, rash
symptoms subjective ex: headache, nausea
major body regions head neck trunk upper limbs lower limbs
superior/cranial toward head
inferior/caudal away from head
posterior/dorsal back
medial near midline
lateral further midline
ipsilateral same side
contralateral opposite side
proximal nearer attachment
distal further attachment
superficial/external towards surface
deep/internal away from surface
prone face down
supine face up (on spine)
body planes saggital frontal transverse oblique
saggital midsagittal - midline parasaggittal - unequal
frontal/coronal plane front to back
transverse/cross sectional superior to inferior
oblique plane any angle other than 90
4 body cavities 1. cranial 2. vertebral 3. thoracic 4. abdominal
thoracic cavity superior to diaphragm lungs/heart
abdominopelvic inferior to diaphram stomach, liver, intestines
abdominopelvic regions
abdominopelvic quadrents


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