Interview Structure


FlashCards sobre Interview Structure, criado por Ana Landa em 04-07-2017.
Ana Landa
FlashCards por Ana Landa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ana Landa
Criado por Ana Landa aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
20-25" OPENING/GREETING Greet the interviewee with a smile, and thank them for agreeing to meet with you. Be sure to say something to help build rapport. Something along these lines - you want this to feel as much a conversation (vs. an “interview”) as possible.
3' INTRODUCTION Start with a quick thought related to the main topic of the interview to catch the esence, the theme of the interview; as a brief comment on something will be discussed throughout the talking
5-10' PROVIDE INFORMATION Explain the purpose of the meeting. Specifically, explain why the meeting was called, the expected result of the conversation, and cover any “ground rules” that need to be covered. You may want to also mention that you’ll be taking notes during the meeting.
15-20' GATHERING INFORMATION Ask the questions, acknowledge what the person is saying with NV communication issues; listen for clues that there is more to what they’re saying and be sure to probe for more information. For instance, you could use “Really? Or “Interesting…can you give me some examples (...)?”
TAKE NOTES -unlimited- You should write as much down (that is useful) as you can. You’ll be reviewing your notes after the interview and likely adding to them. It’s good to get as much down during the conversation
2' CLOSING Thank the interviewee for their time, and their input. Also be sure to ask for permission to follow up if needed
REVIEWING YOUR NOTES -unlimited- Review your notes and add to them as needed. It’s important to do this immediately after the interview, as thoughts are still fresh in your mind.


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