Life and Death- Key Notes


GCSE RE FlashCards sobre Life and Death- Key Notes, criado por Maya Khangura em 29-05-2014.
Maya Khangura
FlashCards por Maya Khangura, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Maya Khangura
Criado por Maya Khangura mais de 10 anos atrás

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Two non-religious reasons for thinking there is life after death Death means the end of life, so life after death is logically impossible. No scientific evidence to suggest this is the case.
Two non-religious reasons for thinking there is life after death Near-death experiences- people who have had these say that they were travelling through a tunnel or toward a light. The brain is separate from the body.
What is resurrection and why do some Christians believe in it? Rise from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus for Christians proves that there is life after death.
Why some Christians do not believe in hell? believe that hell is a spiritual state of being separated from God for eternity
What immortality of the soul is and why some Christians believe in it That humans have a physical body and a spiritual, immortal soul. Christians believe that the soul survives the death of the body and goes on to survive in a spiritual realm.
The beliefs of Roman Catholics to life after death purgatory - a place between heaven and hell. At death the souls of the good go straight to heaven. Others go to purgatory to pay for their sins- in Catholic teachings.
What Muslims say happens after we die. Known as akhirah (NOT to be confused with shakira)
What is Muslim Heaven and Hell like? Muhammad taught that at death two angels will question the soul asking questions. Those who know the answers remain in comfort until the Day of Judgement.The rest are kept in discomfort, Judged at the end of time by Allah
What are Muslim teachings on resurrection? Body remains in ground until end of time when it is raised and judgments occurs. Those who pass judgement, go to heaven This is taught in the Qur’an, and Muhammad mentions that life is a test.
How does the Qur'an describe heaven? The Qur’an describes heaven as a physical place – like a wonderful garden where people will be young again and able to enjoy all of its pleasures. Hell is like a scorching fire that is never put out. (PARADISE)
Three things that UK law on abortion states The 1967 Abortion Act states that an abortion can be carried out if two doctors agree that: 1. The mothers life is at risk 2. There is a risk of injury to the mother’s physical or mental state 3. There is a risk that the child might be born seriously handicapped The 1990 Act states that abortion cannot take place after 24 weeks, unless the mother’s life is at risk.
Two non-religious reasons to support abortion A woman has the right to chose. A mother’s health and welfare are more important then that of her unborn child.
Two non-religious reasons against abortion It’s a form of murder All life has value
Two reasons why some Christians are against abortion Roman Catholics and some Evangelical Christians believe that life begins at conception-so abortion is murder and a a serious sin. ƒ Christian teachings on the Sanctity of life means every human has the right to a life
Two reasons why some Christians might support abortion in some circumstances Some Christians believe that abortion in certain circumstances may be the kindest and most loving action. They refer to Jesus’ teaching that love is the most important thing They allow it only in the case of an ectopic pregnancy as it endangers the mother’s life and the prime intention is to save her life.
Two reasons why some Muslims are against abortion Some Muslims believe that abortion is never acceptable, They say this because they say that life begins at conception. They argue that life belongs to Allah and only he can take it and the sanctity of life is important
Two reasons why some Muslims might support abortion in some circumstances Permitted up to 120 days in extreme circumstances. For example when the mother’s life or health is at risk or if the health of the child is at risk. Muslims believe this because the Hadith sayS the foetus receives the soul after 120 days and only then becomes a human being. Abortion can be allowed if the mother’s life is at risk as the Shari’ah states that the mother’s life is a priority in this case since the loss of the mother to the whole family would be worse than the loss of the fetus alone.
UK law on euthanasia and assisted suicide In the UK all forms of euthanasia are illegal. It is also illegal to help someone to commit suicide (assisted suicide).
Two non-religious reasons to support euthanasia Its not fair for the relatives to have to watch their loved one dying painfully. Suicide is legal, so why not help someone who cannot commit suicide themselves


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