
Flash Cards for events of the Middle Ages - The Crusades, The Black Death and The Peasants Revolt.
FlashCards por dolores.betts, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por dolores.betts mais de 10 anos atrás

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CRUSADES 1096 - 1396 - The Crusades were religious wars in the middle east (Byzantine Empire) - The soldiers were led by Richard the Lionheart, who was King of England at the time. - The crusaders brought back many of our now everyday items - mattresses, rice, sugar, spices, mirrors, carpets, wheelbarrows, shawls, cotton, lemons, dates and much more! - The aim was to capture the Holy Land and change it from being Muslim to Christian. - There were 9 Crusades
REASONS TO GO ON A CRUSADE - To obey the Pope - To be forgiven of all past sins as the pope promised he would ask God to forgive the soldiers of their sins if they fought. - Violent people and criminals were encouraged to fight as they could steal and kill as much as they wanted in the Holy Land. - To see the world and be awarded for bravery; it also attracted women - To get land. This appealed to a younger son who would not inherit his father's lands. - Serfs and Peasants went as the Pope promised them freedom from their owner if they went.
THE BLACK DEATH OF 1348 - 1350 - The Black Death was a fatal disease that swept the streets of London in 1348. - At the time, doctors had no way of curing the disease - Causes: - Little medical knowledge - Dirty conditions; no sewers so waste floated in streets and germs multiplied. - Trade Routes enabled the Plague to spread. It is thought that the plague started in China and spread from there. - The rats. They were bitten by fleas that carried the disease meaning the disease spread quickly.
THE BLACK DEATH CURES - Carrying a bag of lavender - Scented herbs around their house - Whipping themselves as they believed they were being punished by God - Bursting the buboes - Wash in vinegar and rose water - Drink your own urine twice a day and place live chickens next to the swellings
THE BLACK DEATH SYMPTOMS - Buboes that grew under the armpit and in the groin and constant vomiting - The flesh died and turned black - Pain all over the body - Bleeding under the skin which appeared as red or purple splotches. * There were three types of plague : Bubonic, Pneumonic and Scepticaemic.
PEASANTS REVOLT OF 1381 - The war with France was going badly which was followed by the fact that the new King was only 14 and his advisors half ran the country for him. - The main reason for the Peasants Revolt was that the advisors encouraged the young King to introduce a Poll Tax meaning everyone had to pay the same, rich or poor.
PEASANTS REVOLT DATES 30th May, Fobbing Essex - The revolt began - John Bampton, a tax collector, used violence to collect the taxes from the villagers so the villagers rebelled. 7th June, Maidstone, Kent - Kentish rebels and Essex rebels join and are led by a man called Wat Tyler. 12th -13th June, London - The rebels camp outside the city demanding access. 13th June, City of London - Supporters of the rebellion allow the rebels to enter the city. They burned down Savoy Palace and they beheaded the kings treasurer and the Archbishop of Canterbury. They displayed their severed heads on London Bridge. 14th June - The King listened and agreed to Wat Tyler's demands.


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