Fichas de Inglés para la Prepa Abierta


Fichas para aprender inglés para ensayar para la Preparatoria Abierta.
Raúl Fox
FlashCards por Raúl Fox, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Raúl Fox
Criado por Raúl Fox quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Who is he? He is ...
Who ____ you? ___ are Tim and Bob. are, We
Where are they? They are in ...
Where are the flowers? (entre el espejo y la mesa) They are between the mirror and the table.
__________? He's from Mexico. Where is he from
What is a tunnel like? (oscuro) It's dark.
Who is your mother's sister? She is your aunt.
Is she beautiful? Yes, she is.
Are they tall? Yes, they are tall. No, they are not tall.
What are they? They are ...
How _______ bottles? Eight bottles _____ wine many, of


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