Donne-Learning Quotes


A Levels English Literature (John Donne) FlashCards sobre Donne-Learning Quotes, criado por hannahturner9 em 01-06-2014.
FlashCards por hannahturner9, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por hannahturner9 aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Where better... can we find two hemishperes Without sharp North, without declining west? The Good Morrow
They killed once... an inglorious man, but I crucify him daily, Spit in my face
God clothed... himself in vile man's flesh that so He might be weak enough to suffer woe. Spit in my Face
Spit in my face... you Jews, and pierce my side Buffet and scoff, scourge and crucify me, For i have sinned. Spit in my face
If ever any beauty... I did see, Which I desired, and got t'was but a dream of thee. The Good Morrow The Good Morrow
Love so... alike, that none do slacken none can die The Good Morrow
What ever dies.. was not mixed equally. The Good Morrow
Busy old fool... Unruly sun The Sun rising
For love, all love... of other sights controls And makes one little room an everywhere. The Good Morrow
Must to thy... notions lovers seasons run? The Sun Rising
(For graves have.... learned that womanhead To be more than one a bed. The Relic
Just so much... honour, when thou yield'sy to me... Will waste, as this flea's death took life from thee The Flea
Yet we... know not what we loved, nor why, The Relic
And thou shall hear... All here in one bed lay. The Sun Rising
Let not that self murder... added be, And sacriledge, three sins in killing three The Flea
It suck'd me... first, and now sucks thee And in this flea our two bloods mingled be The Flea
and this, alas.. is more than we would do. The Flea
She's all... states, and all princes I, Nothing else is. The Good Morrow
A bracelet of... bright hair around the bone/ The Relic
Love all.. alike, no season knows, nor clime Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time. The Sun Rising
Since she... whom i loved hath paid her last debt. Since she whom I Loved
Except You'Enthral... me, never shall be free Nor ever chaste, except You Ravish me. Batter my Heart
Wholly to heavenly... things my mind is set. Since she whom I Loved
When thou hast... done, thou hast not done, For I have more A Hymn to God the Father
Wilt though forgive.. that sin where i begin, Which was my sin, though it was done before. Hymn to God the Father
To break... blow, burn and make me new. Batter my heart
But though i have... found thee and thou my thirst hath fed. Since She Whom i Loved
And soonest our... best men with thee do go, Rest their bones and souls delivery. Death be not Proud
My Good is... dead, and her soul early to heaven ravished. Since She Whom I Loved
One short sleep.... past, we wake eternally, And death shall be no more, Death, Thou shalt die. Death be not proud
I, like a... usurped town to'another due labour to admit you, but O to no end. Batter my heart.
But i am betrothed... unto Your enemy. Batter My Heart
Batter my Heart... three personed God. Batter my Heart
Swear by Thyself... that at my beath thy sun Shall shine as he shines now Hymn to God the Father
Death be... not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so Death be not Proud
The sun is spent... and now his flask Send forth light squibs, no constant rays A Nocturnal on St Lucy's
For i am... every dead thing. A Nocturnal on St Lucy's
And we in us... find the'eagle and the dove The pheonix riddle hath more wit. The Canonization
and often absences... withdrew our souls, and made us carcasses. A Nocturnal on St Lucy's
When by thy scorn... O murd'ress, i am dead. The Apparition
and by these hymns... all shall approve Us canonized for Love. The Canonization
Since my love... is spent, I'had rather thou shoulds't painfully repent Than by my threat'nings rest innocent. The Apparition
Tis the year's... midnight, and it is the day's/ A Nocturnal on St Lucy's day
And thee, feigned vestal, in worse arms shall see; The Apparition
If i an ordinary... nothing were, As shadow, a' light and body must be here. A Nocturnal on St Lucy's Day
For God's sake... hold your tounge and let me love. The Canonization
Since this... Both the year's and the days deep midnight is. A Nocturnal on St Lucy's Day
All rest... my powers defy: Until i labour, i in labour lie. Elegy to His Mistress going to Bed
O My America... my new-found land. Elegy to His mistress going to Bed.
As souls... unbodied, bodies unclothed must be Elegy to His Mistress Going To Bed
But my'ever... waking part shall see that face Whose fear already shakes my every joint; This is my Play's Last scene
My Pilgrimage's.... last mile; and my race Idly, yet quickly run This is my plays last scene
Impute me... righteous, thus purged of evil For thus i leave the world, the flesh, the devil. This is my Play's last scene.
My tears pour... before thy face, whilst I stay here For thy face coins them, and thy stamp they bear. A Valediction of Weeping
As stiff twin... compasses are two: Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show To move, but doth, if the'other do. A Valediction forbidding mourning
So let us... melt, and make no noise No tear floods, nor sigh tempests move, Valediction of Weeping
As virtuous men pass.. mildly'away And whisper to their souls to go. A Valediction forbidding Mourning
Our two souls... therefore, which are one. A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
Tis not... the bodies that marry, but the minds Which he in her angelic finds Loves Alchemy
I'have loved... and got, and told. Love's Alchemy
Shall we for this.... vain bubbles' shadow pay? Loves Alchemy
A workmen.. that hath copies can lay An europe, an Afric and an Asian, And quicly make that which was nothing, all. A Valediction Of Weeping
When a tear falls... that falls which it bore, So thou and i are nothing then, when on a diverse shore. A Valediction Of Weeping
O more the moon.... draw not up the seas to drown me in thy sphere. A Valediction forbidding weeping
Since thou and I.... sigh are another's breath, Whoe'er sighs most is cruellest, and hastes the other's breath, Valediction of Weeping
Some that have deeper... digged in Love's mine than I, Say where his centric happiness doth due. Love's Alchemy
Hope not for... mind in women, at their best Sweetness and wit they'are, but mummy possessed. Loves Alchemy


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