Aerobic fitness (Vo2 max, physiological effects)


A-Level Health & Social Care (Evans) FlashCards sobre Aerobic fitness (Vo2 max, physiological effects), criado por JessoPippa em 08-06-2014.
FlashCards por JessoPippa, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por JessoPippa mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Aerobic fitness... ...the body's ability to take up & sufficiently use oxygen & the hearts ability to pump oxygen rich blood to the muscles providing them with energy for exercise lasting over 12 minutes
Aerobic fitness requires... ...effective external respiration (breathing in & out) ...good oxygen transport from the lunches to the muscles ...good ability to take up oxygen from the blood & use within the alveolus (internal respiration)
Vo2 max... ...measures aerobic fitness ...maximum volume of oxygen a per on can use per minute per kilogram of body mass during exercise (ML/MIN/KG) ...calculation = ml divided kg ...measured by hooking a person up to a breathing apparatus whilst doing aerobic exercise at a pace where they're just managing to keep up ...the fitter the person=higher VO2 max reading
How good is an overweight person's aerobic fitness... ...will have low/poor aerobic fitness & VO2 max because they will struggle to perform effective external respiration as their lungs can't expand as well due to excess fat so they can't take in sufficient amounts of oxygen
Short term physiological effects of aerobic respiration (during & after exercise)... RESPIRATORY EFFECTS ...lungs have to work harder as oxygen is being used quicker & blood becomes slightly acidic so ventilation & breathing rate increases CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS ...heart & stroke volume increase ...temperature increases ...blood pressure increases ...sweating ...blood vessels dilate
Long term physiological effects of aerobic respiration (during & after exercise)... RESPIRATORY ...increased lung capacity ...increased rate of oxygen transfer to blood (internal respiration) CARDIOVASCULAR ...increase maximum heart rate, stroke volume & blood flow ...increase size of alveoli & number of capillaries ...resting puls rate decreases ...decrease in body fat & cholesterol ...arterial elasticity ...stronger heart muscles


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