

Josh Rigby
FlashCards por Josh Rigby, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Josh Rigby
Criado por Josh Rigby mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The problem with lesion studies are that: A. Patients are rare B. Damage is often not very circumscribed C. Plasticity D. All the above Answer: D. All the above
Independent Variable (IV) Answer: Presumed to cause changes in another variable often variable MANIPULATED by the researcher
Dependent Variable Answer: The presumed effect or outcome of the study Variable that is MEASURED by the researcher and influenced by the IV
What is causation? Answer: A condition in which one event IV (cause) generates another event DV (the effect)
There are three (3) main criteria for identifying a causal relation Answer: Cause (IV) must be related to the effect (DV) (relationship condition) Changes in IV must precede changes in DV (temporal order condition) No other plausible explanation must exist for the effect
PET Positron Emission Tomogrpahy
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A positive of TMS allows us to make causal inferences, but name a con Answer: TMS can only stimulate accessible brain areas which are close to the surface


History of Psychology
Biological Psychology - Stress
Gurdev Manchanda
Bowlby's Theory of Attachment
Jessica Phillips
Psychology subject map
Jake Pickup
Psychology A1
Ellie Hughes
Memory Key words
Sammy :P
Psychology | Unit 4 | Addiction - Explanations
The Biological Approach to Psychology
Gabby Wood
Chapter 5: Short-term and Working Memory
Cognitive Psychology - Capacity and encoding
Nervous Systems and the Brain - Lecture 1
Georgina Burchell