Multiculturalsim - Glossary


Politics (Multiculturalism) FlashCards sobre Multiculturalsim - Glossary, criado por ZIButler em 20-05-2013.
FlashCards por ZIButler, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ZIButler mais de 11 anos atrás

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Ethnocultural Nationalism A form of Nationalism that is fueled primarily by a keen sense of ethnic and cultural distinctiveness and the desire to preserve it
Equality of Opportunity Equality defined in terms of life chances or the existence of a 'level playing-field'
Consociationalism A form of power sharing involving a close association amongst a number of parties or political formations, typically used in deeply divided societies.
Republicanism The belief that a republic, in which supreme authority is vested in a body of citizens and is exercised by their representatives, is the ideal model of government
Citizenship Membership of a state: a relationship between the individual and the state based on reciprocal rights and responsibilities
Formal Equality Equality based on people's status in society, especially their legal and political rights (legal and political quality)
Eurocentrism The application of values and theories drawn from European culture to other groups and peoples, implying a biased or distorted worldview
Culture Beliefs, values and practices that are passed on from one generation to the next through learning; culture is distinct from nature
Communitarianism The belief that peoples' identities and values are constituted through the community in the sense that there are no 'unencumbered selves'
Positive discrimination Preferential treatment towards a group designed to compensate its members for past disadvantage or structural inequality
Offence To feel hurt, even humiliated; an injury against one's deepest beliefs
Affirmative Action Policies or programmes that are designed to benefit minority groups (or, potentially, women by affording them special assistance
Toleration Forbearance; a willingness to accept views or action with which one is in disagreement
Deep Diversity Diversity that rejects the idea of objective or 'absolute' standards and so is based on moral relativism
Shallow Diversity Diversity that is confined by the acceptance of certain values and beliefs as 'absolute' and therefore non-negotiable
Value pluralism The theory that there is no single, overriding conception of the 'good life', but rather a number of competing and equally legitimate conceptions
Hybridity A condition of social and cultural mixing in which people develop multiple identities
Assimilation The process through which immigrant communities lose their cultural distinctiveness by adjusting to the values, allegiances and lifestyles of the 'host' society


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