

10th grade World History Fluxograma sobre Imperialism, criado por Ciara Phelps em 14-12-2023.
Ciara Phelps
Fluxograma por Ciara Phelps, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ciara Phelps
Criado por Ciara Phelps aproximadamente 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Nós do fluxograma

  • Europeans colonize in Africa. The four main motives for colonizing in this area were the spheres of capital investment, sources of raw materials, markets, and strategic points of imperial defense. 
  • Direct and Indirect rule: Direct rule was when the country that had colonized the area then instituted their government and ran it there, indirect rule was when they colonized an area but still used the leaders they had previously had in place and just ruled through those leaders. 
  • Economic motivations: Spheres of Capital investment, sources of raw material, markets, and strategic points of imperialism of defense. 
  • Political and military motivations: Protected harbors or islands in colonial holdings for business and military naval vessels, Intense Nationalism between the great powers, and the National security argument. 
  • Humanitarian Motivations: desire to help countries reach a certain level of civilization and industrialization, it also was to bring to those countries medicine, law, and christianity, as well as white mans burden. 
  • Social Darwinism motivations: This idea was survival of the fittest and it was to supposedly improve the human race by weeding out the weaker races. 
  • key factors that made this domination possible: This was mostly due to disease, Fighting was done with swords instead of guns, and they couldn't use horses because the horses had all died due to disease when they got there. 
  • The Berlin Conference: For Europeans this was significant because they carved out spheres of influence due to Africa's vast mineral source and Europeans were competing with each other for the biggest empire and now they were splitting up Africa into different boundaries. For Africans this was significant because many of Africa's tribal conflicts today can be traced back to the ill effects of this, and their tribes were now seperated under different rulers but many of the hostile tribes were often found together. 
  • Result of this was as previously stated Africa was split up and the majority of it was ruled by either France or Britain. 
  • Britain ruled using protectorate forms meaning it was guided by foreign policy but not directly ruled.
  • France ruled using Colony forms meaning it was ruled by the mother country, direct rule. 
  • Sepoy Rebellion: The cause of the Sepoy rebellion was that a soldier shot a British officer after refusing to load his gun because the cartridges were laced with beef or pork fat. 
  • Sepoy Rebellion: The effects were that the east India company was dismantled and Britain started to rule India directly. 
  • Positive effects of Britain having contact with India: Industrial production, Changing the role of women, modern buildings, modern inventions, and democratic governments. 
  • Negative effects of British having contact with India: Working conditions, Modern buildings, modern inventions, and democratic governments.  
  • The Opium war
  • The causes: British began to illegally import the highly addictive drug, opium, into China, As more people became addicted, valuable silver began to flow out of China to British merchants changing the economy. 
  • The effects: The British achieved military victory and in doing so they opened the Chinese market, forced them to pay a huge indemity, forced to open five trade ports, make consessions to western powers, and forced to grant extraterritoriality to British citizens
  • Treaty of Nanjing
  • The Open door policy: The U.S. feared that China would be split up into formal colonies and America would be shut out. Through this policy they were able to keep this from happening, however China was still at the mercy of economic imperialism by foreign powers.  


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