15. Pattern Recognition Helps People Identify Letters in Different Fonts


Fluxograma sobre 15. Pattern Recognition Helps People Identify Letters in Different Fonts, criado por Celi Merchant em 09-03-2017.
Celi Merchant
Fluxograma por Celi Merchant, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Celi Merchant
Criado por Celi Merchant aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Nós do fluxograma

  • There's no difference in comprehension, reading speed, or preference between serif and sans serif fonts. 
  • People identify letters through pattern recognition. We don't memorize a version of every letter - we know the pattern of what it looks like.
  • Font choice is not critical to readability as long as it is not so decorative that readers cannot easily recognize the patterns of the letters.
  • Fonts affect the interpretation of text. In a study, the task was perceived as easier if the instructions were in an easy-to-read font. The task itself was perceived as harder to do if instructions were given in an overly decorative font. 


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