M.chain must start at end closes to bonds/side groups and include all double/triple bonds.Bond location between hyphens.Single bond -aneDouble bond -eneTriple bond -yneM.chainprefix(-location-)identifier
Locations on M.chain +S.chain c count (prefix)
M.chain c count (prefix) + bond location & identifier
S.chains w/ same count: location1,location2-numberprefix+countprefixS.chains w/ different count:location-prefix(-location-prefix)
Locations separated by a comma & followed by a hyphen and number of chains (prefix) + chain count (prefix).
Location, hyphen, chain count (prefix)
AlkenesAt least 1 double bond = Unsaturated.Shape at d.bonds: Trigonal planarPrefix: -ene
AlkynesAt least 1 triple bond = Unsaturated.Shape at t.bonds: LinearPrefix: -yne