Electronic File Management


Mapa Mental sobre Electronic File Management, criado por Shane Smith em 28-08-2017.
Shane Smith
Mapa Mental por Shane Smith, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Shane Smith
Criado por Shane Smith aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Electronic File Management
  1. Why Use Electronic File Management?
    1. It helps to Keep Us Organized
      1. It creates a system to store our files
        1. It makes it easier to access our materials
        2. What is The File Explorer?
          1. The Gateway to our computer's file system.
            1. It allows us to access to the different drives and folders on the computer
              1. We can save quick access points in the left sidebar, to quickly go to places we need to.
                1. We can copy or move files from this window.
                  1. Important Keyboard Shortcuts:
                    1. Cut = Ctrl + X
                      1. Copy= Ctrl + C
                        1. Paste= Ctrl + V
                          1. Undo= Ctrl + Z
                      2. What do We See In the File Explorer?
                        1. Quick Access Items
                          1. Our Standard Windows Folders (Desktop, Downloads, Documents, Pictures, Etc.)
                            1. This PC: Which shows all attached Hard Drives and Removable Media.
                              1. Any attached Network Drives.
                            2. So where do we save our files?
                              1. Pictures and Video are Saved in SD Cards in the camera or the memory on your mobile devices
                                1. When finished filming, Save the file to one of our Network Drives
                                  1. Y:\ Drive is for Group Projects or Class Projects
                                    1. Google Drive is For Individual Work or work the requires a remote backup
                                      1. For Very Important Projects, Make Backup files on the Cloud and/or Removable Media!
                                        1. How Do We Make A New Folder?
                                          1. Ctrl+Shift+N
                                            1. Right Click -> New -> Folder
                                              1. Expand Menu on Right Side by ?, Click New Folder Button
                                        2. How Do We Organize It All?
                                          1. Come Up With a System!
                                            1. System will be different for every project you do!
                                              1. What composes a good system?
                                                1. Uniform organization
                                                  1. Organized in a repeatable fashion
                                                    1. An Order To the organization
                                                      1. A hierarchy to the organization
                                              2. File Management Best Practices
                                                1. 1. Develop A System And Stick To It
                                                  1. 2. Keep It Simple, Logical, and Ordered
                                                    1. 3. Don't Use Uncommon abbreviations
                                                      1. 4. Avoid Special Characters in File/Folder Names


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