Virtual Learning Enviroments


Mapa mental de reconocimiento del curso de ingles. Mind map about the recognition of english course
Karina Sandoval
Mapa Mental por Karina Sandoval, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Karina Sandoval
Criado por Karina Sandoval mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Virtual Learning Enviroments
  1. Starting Information
    1. Information about the course
      1. How to navigate in the classroom
        1. Course Agenda
          1. Course Presentation
            1. Duties and Rights
            2. Informative Forums
              1. Course General Forum
                1. Course News
              2. Knowledge enviroment
                1. Syllabus
                  1. Glosary
                    1. Documentary Sources
                      1. Unit 1: Giving advice
                        1. Fasten your seat belt
                          1. You should keep your passport!
                            1. What's the weather like?
                              1. Going on a trip
                                1. What did you do last weekwend?
                                2. Unit 2: Getting a job
                                  1. Summer jobs
                                    1. Job Interview
                                      1. At the supermarket
                                        1. At the restaurant
                                          1. What's on the news?
                                      2. Collaborative Learning
                                        1. Teacher´s monitoring
                                          1. Synchronous assessment by Webconference
                                            1. Synchronous support by Skype
                                              1. In situ accompaniment
                                              2. Learning Strategy Development
                                                1. Activity guides
                                                  1. Task forums
                                                2. Practice learning enviroments
                                                  1. Speaking Guide
                                                    1. Practice Activities
                                                    2. Monitoring and evaluation enviroments
                                                      1. Evaluation
                                                        1. Initial
                                                          1. Intermediate
                                                            1. Final
                                                            2. Delivery activities
                                                              1. e-portafolio
                                                              2. Student's Management enviroments
                                                                1. Academic Managment
                                                                  1. Academic News
                                                                    1. Laboratory scheduling
                                                                      1. Programas andf tuitions
                                                                        1. Saber Pro - ICFES
                                                                          1. Investigation management system
                                                                          2. Administrative Managment
                                                                            1. Students network
                                                                              1. Unique application format - UAF (FUS)
                                                                                1. Registration and Tuition
                                                                                  1. Virtual campus authentication process
                                                                                    1. Student services
                                                                                      1. Unad Services
                                                                                        1. User care system - UCS (SAU)
                                                                                          1. National registratio and academic control system


                                                                                        Test para Practicar para el TOEFL
                                                                                        Lolo Reyes
                                                                                        Readings para Preparar el First Certificate (I)
                                                                                        maya velasquez
                                                                                        Fichas de Inglés - Vocabulario Intermedio 2
                                                                                        maya velasquez
                                                                                        Vocabulario Inglés - Tema 2
                                                                                        Inglés - Verbos Compuestos II (Phrasal Verbs)
                                                                                        maya velasquez
                                                                                        Fichas de Inglés - Vocabulario Intermedio
                                                                                        maya velasquez
                                                                                        Inglés - Conjugación Verbos Irregulares
                                                                                        maya velasquez
                                                                                        Verbos Culinarios Inglés-Español
                                                                                        Diego Santos
                                                                                        Gramática para Practicar el First Certificate II
                                                                                        Diego Santos
                                                                                        Ejemplo Prueba de Inglés para el Saber Pro
                                                                                        D. Valenzuela
                                                                                        Verbos irregulares