Input and output devices


Mapa Mental sobre Input and output devices, criado por megan.eldridge em 21-05-2013.
Mapa Mental por megan.eldridge, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por megan.eldridge mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Input and output devices
  1. Keyboard-Enters text
    1. Touch screen devices-A keyboard on a compter screen
      1. Mice-Controlls what you click on the computer
        1. Joystick-Sits inside a base unit
          1. Scanners-Exsisting hardcopy of a document
            1. Digital Cameras- Creates a digital image of what the camera sees
              1. Microphones-Captures sound converts into electrical signal of digital micrphone
                1. Voice recognition-Converts spoken commands into text
                  1. Computer monitor-Visual display of information created by the computer
                    1. Data Projector-takes a video signal and projects it onto a surface
                      1. Inkjet printer-Create black and white printer images
                        1. Laser printer-Images are printed quickly
                          1. Thermal printer-Heated so the paper turns black
                            1. Speakers-Display sound such as music files
                              1. Hard disk-Data can be held and moved by this
                                1. Magnectic tape-Works similar to a hard disk
                                  1. D- Takes long timeto locate a specific imtem of data
                                  2. memory cards-same as memory sticks hold information
                                    1. B- Small Large memory capacity
                                      1. D-Only able to have data written to them
                                      2. DVDs-Store high quality movies
                                        1. D-May not work on another computer
                                        2. Remote storage-Storing back-up copies of data
                                          1. D-Could get lost stolen
                                            1. B-Very usful to transfere information
                                            2. Dot-matrix-OLDSCHOOL


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