Chapter 3 - differences in ED


Determines level of ED of a nation Macropolitical & Macroeconomic changes Moving towards market-based systems Mgt practice of national difference in political economy
Jodie Arnold
Mapa Mental por Jodie Arnold, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jodie Arnold
Criado por Jodie Arnold aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Chapter 3 - differences in ED
  1. National difference to EC Development
    1. Other Factors - Geography & Edu
    2. Differences in National political economic and legal systems
      1. GNI, PPP & HDI - Sen
        1. HDI (UN) - Life Ex, Edu & PPP
      2. Market based reforms
        1. Innovation & Entrepreneurship require a market economy
          1. Innovation & Entrepreneurship require strong property rights
          2. Spread of market
            1. Eg China, Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambigue
              1. Deregulation
                1. Privatization
                  1. Legal system
                2. Political Systems
                  1. China eg of Market Economy/Totlitarian
                    1. Dictatorships - don't work eg Africa
                      1. Spread of Democracy
                        1. T- failed to deliver on eco progress
                          1. Info avail - state can't dictate info
                            1. Emergence of middle class


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