Case method teaching technique to teach history


Mapa Mental sobre Case method teaching technique to teach history, criado por Angelo Jimenez em 07-09-2017.
Angelo Jimenez
Mapa Mental por Angelo Jimenez, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Angelo Jimenez
Criado por Angelo Jimenez aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Case method teaching technique to teach history
  1. innovative
    1. teaching strategies
      1. to teach history
      2. effective
        1. exciting
          1. productive
          2. ability to
            1. recognize competing narratives
              1. construct meaning
                1. interpret
                2. goes beyond
                  1. historical skills
                    1. factual content
                      1. decision-making skills
                        1. Students
                          1. are asked
                            1. what they would do
                              1. public education in 1851
                                1. labor and industry in 1901
                          2. Class participation
                            1. is
                              1. mandatory
                                1. enthusiastic
                            2. Narrative teaching
                              1. big picture
                                1. cognitively critical to historical knowledge
                                  1. helps students
                                    1. to engage
                                      1. effective way to learn
                                        1. to remember
                                        2. Active emotion
                                          1. Stories stick in the mind
                                            1. easier to remember
                                          2. series of cases
                                            1. allowed students
                                              1. focus more
                                                1. strength of a memory
                                                  1. activate emotion
                                                    1. engaged and remember
                                                      1. to love history
                                                        1. understood Facts
                                                          1. judgment
                                                            1. learn the art of decision-making


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