aortic stenosis


Mapa Mental sobre aortic stenosis, criado por Group D em 08-09-2017.
Group D
Mapa Mental por Group D, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Group D
Criado por Group D aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

aortic stenosis
  1. signs snd symptoms
    1. chest pain
      1. other causes
        1. Heart problems
          1. Lung problems
            1. Gastrointestinal Problems
              1. Bone, Muscle, or Nerve Problems
                1. Rib problems, muscle strain, shingles
                2. GERD, peptic ulcers
                3. Pneumonia, pleuritis, pneumothorax
                4. CAD , MI , myocarditis
              2. exertional dyspnea, angina and syncope
              3. risk factors
                1. old age
                  1. congenital heart disease
                    1. family and medical history
                      1. male gender
                        1. obesity and physical inactivity
                        2. prevention
                          1. causes
                            1. rheumatic fever
                              1. Group A strep pharyngitis
                                1. Morphology: Aschoff bodies and Anitschkow cells
                                  1. PANCARDITIS
                              2. wear and tear
                              3. physiology of the heart
                                1. cardiac cycle
                                  1. sounds
                                    1. normal
                                      1. lub-dub
                                      2. murmurs
                                        1. causes
                                          1. due to a narrowing (stenosis) of the mitral or tricuspid valves, or regurgitation of the aortic or pulmonary valves.
                                            1. backward blood flow into one of the chambers of the heart
                                              1. due to blood flow through a narrowed vessel or irregular valve
                                          2. types
                                            1. systolic
                                              1. diastolic
                                                1. continuous
                                                  1. Thrill is defined as a palpable murmur that correlates with zones of maximum intensity of auscultated sounds.
                                              2. series of events that take place in the heart over the duration of a single heart beat
                                              3. cardiac output
                                                1. controlled by
                                                  1. stroke volume
                                                    1. affected by
                                                      1. afterload
                                                      2. preload
                                                        1. contractility
                                                        2. heart rate
                                                        3. blood pressure
                                                          1. hypotension & consequences
                                                            1. dizziness
                                                              1. fatigue
                                                                1. blurred vision
                                                            2. anatomy of the heart
                                                                1. heart valves
                                                                  1. aortic valve
                                                                      1. Three cusps, lies between the left ventricle and the aorta
                                                                        1. During ventricular systole, when pressure in the ventricle is greater than in the aorta, the aortic valve opens
                                                                    1. pathogenesis
                                                                      1. treatment
                                                                        1. Lifestyle changes
                                                                          1. Balloon valvuloplasty
                                                                          2. Aortic valve repair
                                                                            1. Aortic valve replacement
                                                                          3. investigations
                                                                            1. angiography
                                                                              1. Blood pressure monitoring
                                                                                1. Blood tests
                                                                                  1. Echocardiogram (echo) tests
                                                                                    1. Electrocardiograph (ECG) tests


                                                                                  aortic stenosis
                                                                                  nora marwan
                                                                                  CVS: Cardiac Valve Defects
                                                                                  Andrew Street
                                                                                  Alessandra S.
                                                                                  Simulado Matemática
                                                                                  Marina Faria
                                                                                  Projeto Med 2015: História e Geografia_2
                                                                                  Gleisson Bissoli
                                                                                  Direito Penal I - Questões para a prova
                                                                                  Silvio R. Urbano da Silva
                                                                                  EMILE DURKHEIM
                                                                                  Débora C. Nascimento
                                                                                  Palavras novas pro TOEFL
                                                                                  Jéssica Westphal
                                                                                  Questões de Sais Minerais
                                                                                  Camila Carolina
                                                                                  Contextualização da disciplina - Gestão - Administração da Carreira Profissional
                                                                                  Fabrícia Assunção