ingles 2


Byron Benavides
Mapa Mental por Byron Benavides, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Byron Benavides
Criado por Byron Benavides aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

ingles 2
  1. Starting information
    1. course presentation
      1. How to navigate in the classroom
        1. Course agenda
          1. Course presentation
            1. Duties and rights
            2. informative forums
              1. Course News Forum
                1. Course general forum
              2. Knowledge environment
                1. learning program
                  1. Course syllabus English Level II Folder
                  2. documentary sources
                    1. unit1
                      1. unit 2
                      2. course glosary
                        1. glosary
                      3. Collaborative learning environment
                        1. teacher's monitoring
                          1. Synchronous
                            1. In situ accompaniment Page
                            2. Learning Strategy Development
                              1. unit 1
                                1. unit 2
                              2. Practice learning environment
                                1. speaking guide
                                  1. Guide for the use of educational resources
                                  2. practice activities
                                    1. practice link
                                  3. Monitoring and evaluation environment
                                    1. professional competences evidences
                                      1. Recognition task forum
                                        1. Pre-knowledge task
                                        2. intermediate evaluation
                                          1. Writing task forum
                                            1. Task: Giving advice
                                              1. Speaking task
                                                1. Getting a job!
                                                  1. General course review
                                                    1. Oral and written production review
                                                    2. final evaluation
                                                      1. Act. 9. Final Evaluation QuizNot


                                                    Trabajo Colaborativo
                                                    MARCO CONCEPTUAL PARA EL TRABAJO EN EQUIPO
                                                    julian esteban herrera gallego
                                                    Uso de los Padlet
                                                    NANCY RUTH BELTRAN ECHEVERRIA
                                                    FASE II : DESCRIPTIVA
                                                    Psicología de los grupos
                                                    adelma villazón
                                                    Impacto TIC´s en educación (entornos colaborativos)
                                                    Maria Eugenia Ya
                                                    Aprendizaje Colaborativo en ambientes virtuales
                                                    Aura Sanchez
                                                    Entorno del Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizaje
                                                    Omar Danilo Rivera Barrios
                                                    FILTROS ACTIVOS
                                                    Johan Latorre
                                                    DINAMICA DE FLUIDOS
                                                    Kerwin Torres