Cabin Furnishing Installation


Aeronautical Engineering (M11 Mind Maps) Mapa Mental sobre Cabin Furnishing Installation, criado por Kenzie Evans em 14-09-2017.
Kenzie Evans
Mapa Mental por Kenzie Evans, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kenzie Evans
Criado por Kenzie Evans quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Cabin Furnishing Installation
  1. Cabin Trim Panels
    1. Contoured to the shape of the fuselage
      1. held to the structure by screws, fasteners or clips
        1. Fit together to hide all fasteners
          1. Upper panel includes window apertures
            1. Lower panels contain grilles as part of the air circulation
              1. Components are delicate
              2. Consists of fuselage lining panels, floor coverings, overhead storage lockers and curtains
                1. Curtains
                  1. Used to separate one area from another
                    1. Made from fire retadant materials so they don't produce toxic fumes during a fire
                    2. Overhead Lockers
                      1. Used to stow hand luggage and personal belongings
                        1. Mounted on the structure at the sides
                          1. Must be in good condition and latches serviceable
                          2. Floor Coverings
                            1. Carpet in passenger areas
                              1. Comfortable environment
                              2. Non textile plastic coating in toilets, galleys and flight deck
                                1. Most important because these areas are susceptible to corrosion


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