Level 3


Unit 3 Moving out
Mapa Mental por ROUSE MERY, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ROUSE MERY mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Level 3
    1. Leaking pipe
      1. Cracked windows
        1. Broken door
          1. No electricity
            1. Dripping faucet
              1. Mice
              2. Seattle is a city on the West Coast of the United States in the state of Washington. It has a population of about 579,000 people. The city is cold and rainy in winter. It is not very hot in summer. It has a large park and many coffee shops. There is a lot of music in the city and people love to visit Seattle. The city of Santa Fe is in the mountains of the state of New Mexico. It has a population of about 70,000 people. In winter, Santa Fe gets about 70,000 people. In winter, Santa Fe gets about 5 inches of snow per month. It is hot in the summer, but not humid. There are many art museums and festivals in Santa Fe. Santa Fe is another great place for a vacation!
                  1. LIFE STORIES
                    1. Abdul´s Dream Apartment Abdul doesn´t like his apartment. It is old and dark. It is too small. It only has two bedrooms. He needs three bedrooms for his children. It is near the bus stop and the shopping center. But the neighborhood isn´t safe. Abdul wants to find a new apartment. He wants to live near the school. He needs a bigger apartment in a safe neighborhood. He wants a backyard. But he doesn´t want to pay pore rent.
                      1. 1.
                    2. EVERYDAY CONVERSATION
                            1. GRAMMAR
                              1. Comparative


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