Claude Levi-Strauss studied many
myths and legends from all around
the world and came to the
conclusion that we make sense of
the world using binary opposition.
He found that narratives are
arranged around the concept of
binary opposites.
Binary opposites used in narrative
have a simple meaning. This
meaning was thought up by Claude
Levi-Strauss and Roland Barthes
who were major academic European
thinkers. Binary opposition is where
simply in a narrative, two characters
have the complete opposite
character to each other. This theory
is not only to do with characters, but
the miss-en-scene and whole
narrative of the film.
Some examples of this would be:
Boy vs Girl, War vs Peace, Good
vs Evil, Black vs White, Strong vs
Weak, Ugly vs Attractive, Young
vs Old, Man vs Nature,
Humanity vs Technology, Man
vs Woman, Democracy vs
Dictatorship, Ignorance vs
Wisdom, Civilisation vs
To summarise, Levi-Strauss'
theory is based around binary
opposites, and that the binary
opposites are the central
climax of the narrative